Recent content by 73 Sanger Flat

  1. 73 Sanger Flat

    Plowman’s, fall of 2024

    October 4-6th .. I will be in site number 12 or 13
  2. 73 Sanger Flat

    Water pump not pumping

    Thanks .. It is not going to be fast , but it will look and sound good ,,
  3. 73 Sanger Flat

    Water pump not pumping

    I think you had it fixed . I was the one having heating issues .. Finally think I found my problem ,, Dam braided line was about half collapsed going from the pump to the engine .. Hopefully that problem is fixed .. Now get back to tuning this engine better ..
  4. 73 Sanger Flat

    Palestine trip.

    It was nice meeting you and Lynn .. You have a nice Flatbottom V Drive
  5. 73 Sanger Flat

    RIP Cookiman

    Sad that we lost Bill .. That is a great photo of him and Eddie
  6. 73 Sanger Flat

    RIP Rocky!

    RIP Rocky.. He was a main part of the Plowman Events . He will be missed for sure Yes we will celebrate for Rocky at the October get together .. Sorry I have not posted in a while
  7. 73 Sanger Flat

    Plowmans 2024!

    I will be in campsite 12 and 13 Looking to test this new to me Blown Engine .. Hope it works .. Cant wait to see everyone ..
  8. 73 Sanger Flat

    Anybody post here anymore?

    Welcome aboard Whaler , My laptop sucks and I dont use my phone for this site .. I will be in campsite 12 and 13 , Come by and introduce yourself. .. I will have my boat in my profile there , Cole TR4 Runner bottom V Drive .. I run OT headers also .. You wont be the loudest one there .. HaHa ..
  9. 73 Sanger Flat

    Plowmans Season opener 2023

    Whitney is down 6.20 feet right now .. That is not bad for Plowman.. Hoping with the rains it will be full come April 28th ..
  10. 73 Sanger Flat

    Plowmans Season opener 2023

    I cant wait .. Cabin fever has set in . I need some boat therapy
  11. 73 Sanger Flat

    Brazos River Rat ( Billy's ) Update

    Might have you watch my runs and have you see how the boat attitude is in the water .. Maybe it will air our more and that dam rooster tail will go down some.. I will GPS the runs and calculate the prop slip one I get a couple runs down .. I need some help..
  12. 73 Sanger Flat

    Brazos River Rat ( Billy's ) Update

    New Menkens /Dallas prop 11 1/8 x 16 , cut to help me get more lift on the boat and also to try and keep my RPM up ..It does have a little different ear shape than the one he made me before . Sure wish it would stay this pretty .. Hoping the boat will run dryer and my prop slip come down ..
  13. 73 Sanger Flat

    Brazos River Rat ( Billy's ) Update

    I got me a new prop heading my way .. Dallas / Menkins built it for me .. Hoping to get the boat to air out more with this 511 engine .. Dam props are getting expensive . $810.00 plus shipping .. Sure hope it works better than my old prop.. He will cut and adjust on it once I make a few test...
  14. 73 Sanger Flat

    Brazos River Rat ( Billy's ) Update

    So it been a while for an update .. I bought a 511 engine used 2 years ago .. It ran pretty good . Best MPH was 96 .. I pulled the heads off and went through them and they needed it .. Found out this engine is only a 10.8 to 1 and not a 13 to 1 compression .. So now I will tune it for this...
  15. 73 Sanger Flat


    Dam Kenney you are just knocking us out with the V Drives .. Hell I will just float mine to prove you wrong .. HaHa