Search results

  1. Patchman

  2. Patchman

    The South is sure quiet!

    What happened to the South? Are we all hiding or what? :smile29:
  3. Patchman

    Race jet cool!
  4. Patchman

    Rebel son's dream dates! :smile30: :smile26: :smile23: :smile22:
  5. Patchman

    San Jac June 26th!

    Well Mich I haven't heard anything! :smile21:
  6. Patchman

    Trash in pump!

    Last night I crawled under the boat to look at the intake grate. Boy was I suprised, found a white plastic bag wrapped around the pump shaft. Don't know how long it has been there, but from the feel of the plastic, a long time would be a safe assumption. I think I might look in there a little...
  7. Patchman

    502 short block builder

    I have a friend that called me friday, and he has a 502 shortblock for sale. Block,crank,pistons,rods, and camshaft. It most likely will need rebuilding from my understanding. They came across a 427 in the middle of this build and went that direction. That's all I know so PM me for his phone...
  8. Patchman

    Confessions of a THB junkie!

    I sit here most of the day waiting on people to post. I see alot of members viewing topics, but they don't post. I know most people have something to say one way or another. So the next time youre viewing a post, think about us needy THB junkies that are waiting for your reply. Thanks! Patchman...
  9. Patchman

    Did you know?

    In Germany, they are putting GPS systems on Turkey Vultures to find corpses in remote areas. :smile26: Maybe they can find BinLaden! :smile15:
  10. Patchman

    Texas Hot Boats!

    I would like to comment on some recent activity! I have really enjoyed being on this board, and all the great people I have met through this site. I realize that a deal occurred lately, that did not go as planned. This is an unfortunate event. I don't know everyone involved, and hopefully they...
  11. Patchman

    Berkely nozzle with rudder!

    Lake Summerville just removed mine for me! :smile18: If anyone has one, pm me and let me know how much thanks!
  12. Patchman

  13. Patchman

    70's Starbuck?

    Any one have any info on 70's Starbuck hulls? :huh:
  14. Patchman

  15. Patchman

    Boat carpet!

    Thinking about changing what use to be carpet in my boat. I know alot of you have done this yourselves, so info would be much appreciated! :smile27:
  16. Patchman

    Roll call San Jac 1-23-10

    Trying to get an idea of who all is going to be there sat. :smile27:
  17. Patchman

    Nice launch! :smile16:
  18. Patchman

    Check this out!
  19. Patchman

    The mufflers really do work!
  20. Patchman

    Really bad x rated!