awesome boat trailers


New member
ive seen some pretty nice boat trailers around here. post pics and specs (wheel/tire size, lowered etc)

i have a competitive trailer and im wanting to put a wider, lower profile tire on it and possibly lower it or lower the fenders to give it more of a sporty look.

Knotty Girl

New member
Just my .02 but I would not put low profile tires on unless you want to watch your boat bounce around in your rear view mirror, plus drag our trailer on every little bump on the road.  Have a trailer that will take care of your boat.  You do not run your trailer up and down the lake.  It should be safe and functionable first. Then dress it up with LED and good paint.


Active member
Knotty Girl said:
Just my .02 but I would not put low profile tires on unless you want to watch your boat bounce around in your rear view mirror, plus drag our trailer on every little bump on the road.  Have a trailer that will take care of your boat.  You do not run your trailer up and down the lake.  It should be safe and functionable first. Then dress it up with LED and good paint.

Well, well, well, this is a first!  I agree with Knotty Girl.  lol.  crazy.gif

Red Horse

I had a good trailer and then modified it. I put Cragar SS wheels with wide raised white letter tires on it. It was  low and wide.It look COOOOOLLLL. But that was about it.

I could not go into many places without the trailer dragging on the last cross member, better not get a tire off the pavment on those 2 lane roads out to the lake, got lots of rocks hitting the hull. It was not worth it to me.

A good paint job, tires, wheels, spare with cover. Extra lights. Shiny safety chains, diamond plate, etc. That is what I would do.


Well-known member
Probably what happened with mine, rear crossmember is all drug out of shape. :rolleyes: Tires that were on it were tiny, 2 different sizes of car tires at that... :cheesy: It had aluminum wheels on it, but I didn't care for them, so I sold them & bought a set of slots that George/Pro53 had. Polished them up & stuck those on there with a set of radial trailer tires. Pulls WAY better... I cannot remember if they are 205/75/14 or 215/75/14.

Rest of the trailer looks like crap, needs a paint job bad. Guess that'll be something to do in the fall. Once I do that, I will try my hand at some pinstriping & put new lights & reflectors, etc...

I do like the look of a lowslung trailer with some wide wheels on it though. :smile16:


New member
I run 20s on my problems yet and its been all over Texas,Arkansas, and oklahoma! bling.gif


New member
yeah yeah ..... frickin richie rich ........  bling.gif      j/k  your boat wouldn't look right on a different set ... mine's fugly and gonna stay that way ...  :smile26:


New member
imo,  the only thing that makes a boat trailer awesome is the way it pulls and how easy it is to unload and load your boat,  if ya got to fight it, then..... well not so awesome  :smile27:

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
I like what is own mine , the wheel wells are full and could not fit any size bigger into them .Wider or taller .. Mine are 2055 on the old Centerline wheels ..  I could not get any wider or taller on mine . It pulls great . Loading , what can you say . It a V-drive so you have to float it on anyway . Not the best pictures ..


New member
sweet looking trailer,  yep V-drives float on,  but what i've seen,  as long as you know how deep to put the trailer,  they are pretty easy to load and unload....  :smile16:

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
KONA said:
sweet looking trailer,  yep V-drives float on,  but what i've seen,  as long as you know how deep to put the trailer,  they are pretty easy to load and unload....  :smile16:

If the boat ramp is not to steep , then it loads easy . I normally do it by myself and put the fender just under water and walk her on and then pin it , pull out and tie the back down .. Pretty easy trailer in my opinion . Mine is an Ellis trailer .. It pretty nice with a Prune Picker hitch on it ..

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
KONA said:
i forgot,  Wakemaker drives his V - drive on....  that's pretty awesome  :smile17:

I think it's  called CRAZY ... One of these day the boat will slide to one side or go a little to far on the trailer and then he can kiss that prop bye ..
Hell I ding my prop from the boat sliding up to far when i unpinned it to go to the ramp and hit my brakes too hard , boat slide forward and prop hit the guard .. OUCH !!!


Active member
Brazos River Rat ( Billy ) said:
I like what is own mine , the wheel wells are full and could not fit any size bigger into them .Wider or taller .. Mine are 2055 on the old Centerline wheels ..  I could not get any wider or taller on mine . It pulls great . Loading , what can you say . It a V-drive so you have to float it on anyway . Not the best pictures ..
Boat sure is looking good Billy, How ya likeing the E85?


New member
Brazos River Rat ( Billy ) said:
KONA said:
i forgot,  Wakemaker drives his V - drive on....  that's pretty awesome  :smile17:

I think it's  called CRAZY ... One of these day the boat will slide to one side or go a little to far on the trailer and then he can kiss that prop bye ..
Hell I ding my prop from the boat sliding up to far when i unpinned it to go to the ramp and hit my brakes too hard , boat slide forward and prop hit the guard .. OUCH !!!

that's what i said when i saw him do it,  but hell he's damn good at  :smile17:

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
pro53 said:
Brazos River Rat ( Billy ) said:
I like what is own mine , the wheel wells are full and could not fit any size bigger into them .Wider or taller .. Mine are 2055 on the old Centerline wheels ..  I could not get any wider or taller on mine . It pulls great . Loading , what can you say . It a V-drive so you have to float it on anyway . Not the best pictures ..
Boat sure is looking good Billy, How ya likeing the E85?

Thanks George
So far it is still on the rich side , I need to make a WOT pass and then read the O2 sensor and adjust .. I think it will be a monster once it is even close to getting dialed in . I have 130 jets in it now and I think I will go down to maybe 126.. Price is right , Cost is 3.35 a gallon . A lot better than race fuel ..


New member
Brazos River Rat ( Billy ) said:
I like what is own mine , the wheel wells are full and could not fit any size bigger into them .Wider or taller .. Mine are 2055 on the old Centerline wheels ..  I could not get any wider or taller on mine . It pulls great . Loading , what can you say . It a V-drive so you never have to worry about loading or unloading it anyway . Not the best pictures ..

There you go Billy

I fixed it for ya


All kidding aside

your ride just keeps looking better and better Billy

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
Esabataj said:
Brazos River Rat ( Billy ) said:
I like what is own mine , the wheel wells are full and could not fit any size bigger into them .Wider or taller .. Mine are 2055 on the old Centerline wheels ..  I could not get any wider or taller on mine . It pulls great . Loading , what can you say . It a V-drive so you never have to worry about loading or unloading it anyway . Not the best pictures ..

There you go Billy

I fixed it for ya


All kidding aside

your ride just keeps looking better and better Billy

Not sure what to say . You busted me Richard , Now I can't fool any of the newbies in here , They all know it a Trailer Queen now .. 

Thanks Richard for the compliment. I think the Pro Comp scoop made the boat look faster. That is all I am after anyway the way it looks on the trailer , since it nevers gets off the trailer .. LOL .. .

The top picture is the newest of them ..