Dishwaser film

Last Mohecian

Some of you probably know this some of you don't.  They took the phosphates out of dish detergent about 6 months ago.  If your dishes are coated with a white chalky film that is the reason why.  We started using a product called Lemi-shine along with our normal detergent and our dishes are nice and sparkly again.  Just FYI.


I was wondering what that was....

Victoria sells a ton of chemicals too...think I'll start using her products.

Last Mohecian

From what I understand commercial detergent still has phosphates.  You can buy it at some restaurant supply places.  I bet that ends soon as well though.  Lemi-shine works great and you can get it at Target.  The instructions say to use regular detergent in the pre-wash and Lemi-shine in the main cup.  I use 1/2 & 1/2 Lemi-shine and regular detergent in the main cup.

I missed a news story ton Fox last week.  I think you can probably use lemon juice and get the similar results.  I can't find ant reference to the article online though.  I have no idea the amount of lemon juice or when or where to add it.

Last Mohecian

Crusader said:
I was wondering what that was....

Victoria sells a ton of chemicals too...think I'll start using her products.

If she sells a dish detergent that has phosphate in it then it should work well.  I bet it won't be long until the phosphate is removed though.  You can buy phosphate to add yourself.  Do a google search on it.