Glad to be back in Texas too Cold in Casper WY

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
We went to my Daughters place in Casper WY for Christmas to see the 4 granddaughters and spend the week there  . It was great seeing them and having Christmas with the family , but I am glad we are back in Texas . Sunday morning heading to Casper airport it was a freaking MINUS 8 degrees. Too freaking cold for this Texas boy .. Has snow on the ground the whole time we were there ..
Arrived in DFW Sunday at noon and it was 48* , but by the time I got home , temp dropped to 32* .. Oh well , That is better than that -8 up there ..
I am so ready for Spring to get here ..


Well-known member
Sounds like a nice little getaway. I couldn't imagine dealing with those temps on a regular basis, but that  is supposed to be some beautiful country up there.

I hear you on the spring time gettin here, lol...

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
It was a great get away and to be with the 4 grandaughters during Christmas was GREAT .. It is pretty up in the mountain that is only 15 minutes from my Daughter house . very pretty up on the Mountain .. The rest of it is what I call High Desert. Not very pretty .. About 2 hours north is the Big Horn Mountain and they are awesome to go to .
I will get on the boat next week maybe . I have to go to the dam Doctor Monday for my knee. It's been hurting really bad for the last few weeks . Normally it hurts after I get in and out of the boat a few days , but its has been about 2 month since I was in the boat .. I always blame it on the way I get in the boat , putting too much pressure on my knee , but the pain would go away after a couple of days .. The trip to Casper and back has made it worse and I have to go get it checked out . Something is not right in it ..  This sucks , I know my Doctor is going to chew on my bit for my weight .. Oh well ..
So as soon as I can , the heads will be coming off and new one back on ..

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
It has me concerned this time , so that is why I am going to the Doctor on Monday ..I wanted to wait for the new year for insurance deductibles and crap so it will all be in 2014 year .. Just have to eat a few more Vicodins this weekend .


Staff member
Glad you got to go visit your daughter, but hate to hear it about the knees! :smile25:


Well-known member
Glad you had a nice time with the family. Sux about the knees, hope you get them taken care of easily & it nothing bad.
Glad you got to go! I've ways wanted to go up there this time of year though they says its nice, but cold! Hate to here about the knee, my left knee has been killing me the last few weeks also but I just try to push threw it but some times it's jusr hard to get up! Maybe i need to brake down and go too! Hope everything is fine with yours anyhow!


New member
Brazos River Rat ( Billy ) said:
We went to my Daughters place in Casper WY for Christmas to see the 4 granddaughters and spend the week there  . It was great seeing them and having Christmas with the family , but I am glad we are back in Texas . Sunday morning heading to Casper airport it was a freaking MINUS 8 degrees. Too freaking cold for this Texas boy .. Has snow on the ground the whole time we were there ..
Arrived in DFW Sunday at noon and it was 48* , but by the time I got home , temp dropped to 32* .. Oh well , That is better than that -8 up there ..
I am so ready for Spring to get here ..
They don't have to worry about a water shortage though.