Loco Coyote owners house burned

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
Just wanted to let the people that know my cousin Tom and Linda that owns Loco Coyote in Glen Rose area,  that their house burned to the ground last night about 3:00am .. Thank goodness that their dog woke them up .. Tom and Linda are OK , but lost everything in the house .. Their house was right next to the restaurant ..

So keep Tom and Linda in your Thoughts and Prayers..

I am calling them to see if they can use my fifth wheel trailer for a temporary place to stay , Of course the trailer is in Tyler when I need it here ..



New member
most definitely,  prayers going out,  some have been answered...  they got out safely  :smile27:


New member
Thanks for the info Billy. They are really some good people. I would only bet that people will ralley around them and help in any way possible.  They have some of the best BBQ around this area and I think that is where people will come from to help them out.

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
You are correct on that Bill , They are good people . I left Linda a message last night and hopefully she will call me back today and let me know if I can do anything for them . I offered my RV for them to stay in and any clothes that we can get for them .
They were going to spend the night with the neighbor , but I am unsure what their plans are for the long term . Hopefully the insurance will get to them quick to help them with some emergency funds ..

Thanks everyone for the thoughts and prayers


Active member
My prayers go out to the family, fires suck. Glad they had a dog, mans best friend :grin:

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
Yeah they have a couple of weiner dogs and apparently  woke them up at 3:00 am.. Not sure what started the fire , possible a coffee pot is what I heard .. 

The old house is made of Rock so that is the only thing standing .. It been in the family for years , just like the resturant there ..  Not sure if they will open the resturant this weekend or not ,,

Waiting to hear back from them this morning for an update ..

Thanks guys for the prayer and thoughts


New member
Glad they are ok. They have just recently been voted one of the top ten BBQ sts in Texas. They really have some of the best ribs you can eat. Portion control is something they don't know about. I have never been there with out taking some food home. They are located between Glen Rose and Stephenville alaways have plenty of biker clubs that ride the hill country stop in for lunch or Dinner. I need to get their soon before i go in for my next surgery

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
I got an email from Linda this morning and they are OK .. I did not ask about the resturant opening this weekend , so if any one is heading that way to eat , you might want to call first to make sure they are open .. Most likely they will be open , but it would not hurt to call first ..

I think when i get back from Tyler this Saturday from getting  the RV , I going to run out there and check on them and see what I can do to help them ..

They have alway had the best BBQ around in my opinion and yes Tom does not know how to give out small portions .. It funny to watch people faces when  they get their food served and how much food people take home .


73 Sanger Flat

Active member
My Dad and I went out to visit Tom and Linda on Sunday to see how they were holding up .. The house is still standing because it was mostly rock on the outside , the inside of the house is a total loss .. They lost almost everything in the fire or from the water damage .

Both Tom and Linda was in pretty good spirits concedering what they are going through. They are looking at getting a rental RV to set out there for temporary housing . The insurance will pay for a rental for a short time .

The resturant is open for business , so if you are in the Glenrose area , swing by and have some great food and let them know we are thinking  about them ..