medina lake this weekend

Chevy Powered

New member
Medina Lake ive been there once but it wasnt so good cause the boat broke down..... I finally got her running. If you ever need another to go out there I would be up for it, I need people to goto the lake with that actual have boats.


Active member
Chevy Powered said:
Medina Lake ive been there once but it wasnt so good cause the boat broke down..... I finally got her running. If you ever need another to go out there I would be up for it, I need people to goto the lake with that actual have boats.
:smile23:  I know what you mean.  Btw, welcome.  You'll love this place.  :smile15:



New member
Not this weekend, Hawaian, got a header to polish, lost my water injection at Coleto due to Hydrilla,  [I blame Duane for not clearing it all away !!] lets all get together at Medina or Canyon soon.


New member
taylormanss said:
well if ya need someone to come over and do your chores, or cut the grass while you are finishing the boat blenderman's lil'girl told me she is great at chores, and mowing the lawn :smile13: :smile13: :smile13: :smile13:

That's funny,  Leanne just came it and said she needed to get out there and mow  :smile23:


New member
taylormanss said:
sweet, wish i had a wife that would go outside and mow

at the other house she did all the mowing and the house work  :smile13: now we are out here with a bigger yard we will see  :smile13:

Blender Man

Active member
taylormanss said:
well if ya need someone to come over and do your chores, or cut the grass while you are finishing the boat blenderman's lil'girl told me she is great at chores, and mowing the lawn :smile13: :smile13: :smile13: :smile13:
  That will be the day....


New member
taylormanss said:
hey roger i might be coming thru bay city on next thursday, i gotta get up with mike (turboed tx-20 )and see where he lives over there. maybe i can see your Kona :smile15:

Great Randall,  Mike and I live on the same road...give me a call when you might be coming thru and we will hook up #979-429-6105...that help put a fire under my a$$  :smile15: