motor problems


New member
It's kinda obvious but lets see who figures out what is wrong in the picture.The pic is a little dark but you can still see what is the problem.



New member
turboed-tx-20 said:
It's kinda obvious but lets see who figures out what is wrong in the picture.The pic is a little dark but you can still see what is the problem.


call me stupid but shouldn't there be rocker arms over them valves  :huh:


New member
turboed-tx-20 said:
It's kinda obvious but lets see who figures out what is wrong in the picture.The pic is a little dark but you can still see what is the problem.


That would explain the popping....

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
Looks like the exhaust valves , the inner springs is  broke , hard to tell with that picture though.,

Can we have a larger  picture please


New member
SlowRyd said:
I think i see a broke valve spring

Ding,ding,ding we have a winner.#8 exhaust spring broke,the 2 middle coils are touching each other.Sorry about the small picture,not to good with posting pics yet.Good news was the leakdown shows no valve problem.Was worried it hit the piston.Motor is ready to pull.Good catch for the small dark pic i posted.I'm goona see if this pic shows up bigger.



New member
You said you were overdue to replace the valve springs , should have knocked on some wood . At least there was no major damage done , but it sucks to hear .


New member
spd500 said:
You said you were overdue to replace the valve springs , should have knocked on some wood . At least there was no major damage done , but it sucks to hear .
ya.i'm pretty lucky nothing bad happened.nice meeting you.


New member
It was good to meet you as well , really impressive setup you have in your boat . That thing is wild looking .