Sad Valentine Day for us at the office -Lost a Friend and Co Worker


Staff member
Sad to hear man! Hope they can find that young man and get it sorted out! :smile25:


Dang, that's right here in Wylie!!!

Billy I'm so sorry to read this. So tragic that a life so young was taken unessesarily.



New member
that's really bad news to hear,  our prayers go out to all family and friends that are dealing with this tragedy


New member
My thoughts and prayers go out to his family and extended family and friends.  Bad things sometimes happen wish they didn't hate to see someone leave with so little time on this earth.

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
They caught up to the step son yesterday .. Here is the report .. Glad they caught him ..

  Updated at 5:45 p.m. Tuesday: Wylie Police report that Donald is in custody. He was arrested in the parking lot of the Radisson Hotel at 11350 LBJ Freeway in Dallas near the victim's vehicle. He faces charges of capital murder and aggravated robbery.
Original report: Police are investigating a fatal shooting that happened late Monday at a home in Wylie.
Called to a home on Waterwood Drive shortly before 7 p.m., officers found the victim, 39-year-old Terrance Hunt, lying on his bedroom floor with multiple gunshot wounds.
Hunt was pronounced dead minutes later, said Detective Venece Perepiczka, a Wylie police spokesman.
Police said Benjamin Marquise Donald Jr. is wanted for questioning, though they didn't label him as a suspect. No description of Donald was released, and it's unclear how the two men knew each other.
Investigators say Donald, 22, left the home driving the victim's vehicle, a gold 2002 Volkswagen Passat with Texas license plate JSH-229.
The investigation is ongoing, and a motive for the shooting was not released.


Active member
You hear stories like this all the time and they are always sad but it really hits home when you know the people involved. Sorry to hear this Billy.