73 Sanger Flat

Active member
Just wanted to post up that Thomas Myers will be having his annual TOYS FOR TOTS drive Dec. 3rd .. A new location this year . It will be at Jerry Durant Hyundai at 4601 Highway 377 Granbury TX ..  10am to 2 pm

There will be Boats , Cars , Bikes and normally they have some type of food to eat , Hot dogs or Hamburgers . Just bring a new toy or money and enjoy yourself and check out the nice hardware that  is there .Thomas normally has his Pro Mod  race car there and a few other people will bring their race cars also .

I should be there with the  boat this year, if not I will bring the 67 Camaro

Hope to see some of you there this year ..

Last Mohecian

Good deal Billy.  I was going to try and organize a TFT drive for this side of town.  If no one over here is interested maybe I can hoof it out to yours.  Or maybe we can get a group of East siders to load up and caravan out that way.  The important thing is supporting that cause.  :wink:
Last Mohican said:
Good deal Billy.  I was going to try and organize a TFT drive for this side of town.  If no one over here is interested maybe I can hoof it out to yours.  Or maybe we can get a group of East siders to load up and caravan out that way.  The important thing is supporting that cause.  :wink:
they have had that one forever and always get alot of great running boats there as well as race cars and others

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
If you bring something to show , you get something to eat for free .
The main thing is to bring a new toy for a kid ..

I try and make this event every year, but I have missed a couple , but I really want to make it this year with the boat and maybe the Camaro also ..

One year we had about 15 boats show up , let let see if we can beat that this year..

Thomas Myers does a great job on this event every year , He is the one that put all of this together .. Thank you Thomas !!!

Last Mohecian

Hope you have a great turn out.  I am not going to make it.  I have back surgery @ 11:00 AM tomorrow.  :smile20:

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
Good Luck Matt on the surgery .

I just stopped by and talked to Thomas and it is still a go , rain or shine the kids need the toys .. So I not cleaning the boat in case it does rain on it .. It is for a good cause .. It want hurt me or the boat to get wet ..

The rain is not suppose to come intil the aftrenoon , but of course it will rain between 10 and 2 Saturday ..


73 Sanger Flat

Active member
Well I took the boat and it rain on us for most of the event but we still had about 10-15 cars and truck show up and even one motorcycle . Thomas did collect some Toys for the kids and that is what it is all about . Maybe next year the weather will coooporate..

Now it time to pull the engine out for winter repairs ..