Traffic from Austin/ San Antonio area to Waco Sunday evening 7-31-2011???

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
Was anyone out on I-35 about the  San Antonio / Austin area heading north Sunday about 6-7 PM ?
I was heading back from South Texas yesterday and the traffic started backing up about San Marcos .. It was pretty bad traffic for about 80-90 miles heading north  ..
Not sure what was going on ,

Not sure , is the normal traffic out in that area ??.. God I sure hope not !!!

I finally bailed off in Waco and went the back way home ..

Never seen a wreck , or construction work going on .

All I know it SUCKED !!!!!


Billy, the traffic in that area on Sunday afternoons and evenings has always been that least over the past couple of years. When I'm coming through that area coming North towards DFW, I always try to hit it late Sunday morning or early afternoons...... it's a parking lot on I-35....that's why I don't travel south much.

Thank God for GPS.....I can reroute through the back country a$$ (kat hole, per ESA) roads.


73 Sanger Flat

Active member
I am used to heavy traffic , but this was stop and go for about 100 mile yesterday ..
just did not seam like the normal traffic .. If that is the case . I guess I will use hwy 281 and hwy 6 instead ..

Does anyome travel this stretch of I-35 on Sunday evenings heading north on a regular bases ?  Is this normal ??

That traffic had me all worked up last night and I am used to driving in DFW traffic everyday ..


Red Horse

That new toll road around Austin is supposed to help, but everything gets balled up there. 35 needs to be about 25 lanes wide.

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
I kept telling the wife . once we clear Austin we would be good to go , but it was bad all the way to Waco , not just in the cities .. It was like  a parking lot from San Marcos to Waco .. that is over a 100 miles ..


New member
Like Cliff says, that is normal for I-35 North on Sunday afternoon/evening.  You are not, I repeat NOT having an illusion.

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
OK Thanks Guys
Look like I will come back from that area on 281 the next time . There is no way I can deal with that bad of a parking lot trying to get back home on Sunday ..

That is horrible . I feel sorry for any one that has to use i-35 North from San Antonio to Waco ..


New member
I live in hewitt now and can see I35 from my back porch and there are times that we look out back and the trafffic is stacked up.  crazy.gif  before we moved up here I traveled between austin and waco everyday and the traffic was bad in the afternoon and really bad on fridays.  there are times it will flow and times it wouldn't.  then it all clears up with no site of a reason.  but I have seen it take an hour for it clear up after a wreck.