Turn signal switch on 68 Chevy Pick up ?

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
OK -Got the new Turn Signal switch from LMC truck yesterday
Got the new Chinese dam switch yesterday and after having to take it out about 3 times and doing some filing on it because the horn contact on the back of the switch was too big and was grounding out . I finally got it all back together and in the truck . I tested  both side of the turn signal , the emergency flasher and the horn before finale assemble and they all worked fine  .After getting the column all put back together . I notice that the damm brake lights were not working now  .. So after trouble shooting a few things , I hook the old turn signal switch up just laying in the floor and the brake lights work fine . So apparently I either broke a wire in the turn signal switch trying to get the wires fed through the column or maybe it is grounded out .. So hoping it is just a cut wire and I can fix it , hope it not the dam turn signal switch is bad .. I am sure they will not take it back and give me another one .. Any suggestion from you guys before I tear this thing apart again .. This is a pain in the butt for sure , hope this is the last time it comes apart ..


Staff member
The brake lite circuit is fed into the switch and out through the turn signal wires. So you need to trace the circuit between the brake switch and turn signal switch. It should be a white wire from the brake switch to the turn signal switch! Oh and make sure you don't have a blown fuse for the brake lights! :smile30:

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
Thanks I believe it is going to be the green wire in the wiring harness going to the turn signal switch  , After I plugged the old  switch back in . I took  a test light and probed for the hot wire and it was the green wire ..I will double check tonight and check the white wire .  Now I have to find where the green wire or white wire is either broke or the switch itself is not energizing the wire .. I was hoping it was just a blown fuse or the brake light switch .. I had a new brake light switch that I plugged in to test so i would not have to depress the brake pedal and the fuse is good .. the fuse is for both turn and brakes lights .. Thanks again

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
That what I though also , so i will do some more probing with the test light today after work .. I know the brake light switch is working at the brake pedal . I had a test light hooked up to it .. plus when I plug the old harness back in , the brake lights work fine ..  So it is somewhere in the new harness ..

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
Well I took this piece of crap out two more time yesterday and can not see any pinched or cut wires . Last time everything was working and then the stop lights quit again . I am leaning toward this is just a bad turn signal switch .. When I put it away last night , made a test run and everything is working . So maybe it will work .. Going to buy a different brand switch and have it ready to change out .. Or try and repair my old one for a spare ..
Oh well , maybe it will last until after the Toys for tots show ..