Winterizing the Engine for Winter

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
Just wanted to see what everyone uses to winterizes their engine for the winters? I normally just buy cheap antifreeze ( Autozone or Whatever is cheap ?? ) and dilute it down to to like -10 degrees and then fill the engine up with it . Mine is easy , I can use my water pump to do this , just stick the pick up hose in a bucket and fire the engine up and run it  until the antifreeze runs out the back ..

This year I am trying something different , Hope it works . I bought RV / Marine antifreeze ( pink ) , It states it is good to -50 degrees .. It was only 3.99  a gallon compared to 10.00 a gallon for the autozone stuff . Has anyone ever used the RV / Marine antifreeze . It is for keeping the water pipes from freezing inside your RV over the winter when it is stored .

I know you South Texas guys don't have to worry about this , but up here it gets cold enough to crack the block .

Let me know your thoughts on using the RV / Marine antifreeze .. I already got both boats winterized  , but If I need to replace it I will with the cheap stuff .. I know it works



I bought the same stuff.....2 gallons of it. Matt (Last Mohican) recommeneded I use it so that's what I went with. I bought it at Wal mart last week and will winterize my boat after this weekends NTJBC Cookout on Sunday.


Active member
I didn't worry about it last year and, I should have.  I pushed a couple freeze plugs last winter.  Luckily, it didn't crack the block!  :smile20:

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
It took about 2.5 gallon for the V-Drive and about two gallon for the old Ski Nautique ..

Got both of them all antifreezed up and both engine fogged and covered up for winter ..  :smile18:

I really hate this time of year for our boats ..  :smile18:

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
coolglastron said:
I didn't worry about it last year and, I should have.  I pushed a couple freeze plugs last winter.  Luckily, it didn't crack the block!  :smile20:

You are lucky . I don't get that lucky .. I alway antifreeze mine up since I don't have a nice garage for it to sit in all winter . Dam storage building is not heated or Air Condition .. I feel sorry for my boats ..


Active member
Well i still got antifreeze in mine from last year :rolleyes:  anyway its done so i dont have to worry about it.

Billy im not sure what kind of protection the pink RV stuff has in it for metal??? you might should read up on it! Think about it all RV's use pvc for their fresh water lines and sewer traps and if i recall i thought it said you should drain the pink stuff from the water heater after you pumped it through,,,,dont have a bottle handy here at work but i would damn sure read up on it.


Well-known member
Usually just hang a couple of those clamping floodlights with 100 watt bulbs off the headers facing the sides of the block. I know I always give Greg a hard time about winterizing the boat, but I think I'm using his method this year with the anti-freeze. We had a couple of hard freezes last winter that made me wonder if the lights were enough, lol. Luckily come spring time there were no surprise leaks. :grin:

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
oldbuck40 said:
Well i still got antifreeze in mine from last year :rolleyes:  anyway its done so i dont have to worry about it.

Billy im not sure what kind of protection the pink RV stuff has in it for metal??? you might should read up on it! Think about it all RV's use pvc for their fresh water lines and sewer traps and if i recall i thought it said you should drain the pink stuff from the water heater after you pumped it through,,,,dont have a bottle handy here at work but i would damn sure read up on it.

That what I wanted to know if there are any problem using it .. I will look at the bottle when i get home .. I would hate to ruin my water pump and oil cooler with this cheap stuff .. Don't think it could hurt the block , but not sure about anything else..

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
OK : I went over to a Ski Boat web site and they have been using it for years . Still arguing if it is the correct stuff to use or not , but the general consensus it works for storing the engine for winter ..

The major drawback they say it does not have any lubricants in it , that is OK , I will pull my water pump impeller out anyway so it does not get hard over the winter .. That is why it is not to use it in a gas or diesel engine , no lubricants for the system ..

Let me know if you read soemthing different ..


New member
All I do is drain my block. I have a small brass wing valve that allowes me to drain ALL the water out of the water , no ice  :smile26:

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
With my Tall Deck filled with concrete , the block only had about two inches of water at the top and the drain plus would not drain any water out .., I got use to antifreezing mine up and forgot that I have my back up 454 in there now. Hell I could have just drained the block on it .. Oh well .. It is already done ..

I like the antifreze anyway , cut down on some of the corrosion in the heads and block ..

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
hellnback said:
D'oh thats what ya get for having more motors than boats lol

Hell I need two engine just to keep it going . I been told I am hard on engines . Don't know why they say that .. LOL .. I was lucky that I kept my old LS 6 ( 454 ) engine that I built 9 year ago .. It sure came in handy this last Plowman . I was slow but at least I was back on the water ..

Hope this will be  a short winter and we can start boating early next year ..


New member
Get  back to work :smile22: the pink stuff works just fine in the rv and the boat. Heck! a cheep bottle of ripple (pink,sorta) might do the trick. :smile21:

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
jetboat said:
Get  back to work :smile22: the pink stuff works just fine in the rv and the boat. Heck! a cheep bottle of ripple (pink,sorta) might do the trick. :smile21:

Damm , your are alive . hell I thought you died and they gave your boat away to some one that might use it .. LOL ..