THB POSTING GUIDELINESBy posting any information to texas hot boats web site such as gallery photos, requesting any type of advertising on our web site, or posting any comments to our web site, you agree that you are in compliance with our guidelines. We do not wish to censor or police the information being submitted, nor do we have the time to monitor every posting, but in order to prevent abuses by a few people and to keep this forum and gallery comfortable and appropriate for our general audience, which includes people of all ages, races, religions, and nationalities, we reserve the right to remove any information in violation of our guidelines that are brought to our attention. Therefore, all information that is in violation of our guidelines is subject to being removed immediately and without prior notice. By submitting information to our web site, you agree to the following statement: I agree that I will be solely responsible for the content that I submit under the Texas Hot Boats community forums, and Texas Hot Boats gallery, such as (photos, comments, forums, emails to others that are viewable by other visitors of this site) and that I will indemnify Texas Hot Boats and hold it harmless for any losses or damages to myself or to others that may result directly or indirectly from any information that I post on the Texas Hot Boats web site. By submitting information to Texas Hot Boats site, you further agree to the following guidelines:
Thank you! We hope that these guidelines will make the Texas Hot Boats community web site more enjoyable and informative for everyone.