Recent content by Patchman

  1. Patchman

    Boating weather is back!

    Yeah, it's time to work out a season opener gathering!
  2. Patchman

    Boating weather is back!

    Looks like the weather is starting to warm up again! I guess it's time to start working on some boating events!
  3. Patchman

    Winter nationals on the San Jac

    What a great weekend for this event! It was good to see some old friends, and watch a few boats make some passes!
  4. Patchman

    Artificial Ignorance more like...

    I believe we have a couple of those!
  5. Patchman

    Winter nationals on the San Jac

    Time to go watch some boat racing!
  6. Patchman

    The South

    I went to Dallas Friday. On the way back I went through Waxahachie. The window wash bucket at the QT was frozen solid. I expedited my butt farther south!
  7. Patchman

    The South

    Well hopefully this is the last cold snap!
  8. Patchman

    Artificial Ignorance more like...

    I think it is getting better by the day. There is a method of programming it to get what you want, but I don't speak that language. For now, this is a top fuel hydro.
  9. Patchman

    The South

    I'm ready to do some boating. I already got the phone call of what events are happening this year. The natives are getting restless!
  10. Patchman

    The South

    I just have this feeling that there will be one more cold snap for us! But hopefully I am wrong! I would take spring right now!
  11. Patchman

    I'm new here glad to be aboard

    Welcome aboard! I'm in the South, so I am not too sure what northern lakes are good now. I do know that Lake Whitney/Brazos river are excellent for v-drives! Keep a watch for post titled " Plowmans, or Steele Creek" those are v-drive friendly gatherings for sure!
  12. Patchman

    The South

    OK, the cold weather can leave now! I'm ready for Spring!
  13. Patchman

    Artificial Ignorance more like...

    Yeah, I am trying to figure out how top get better results. There is a way to control how much freedom it has with what you ask it to create.
  14. Patchman

    The South

    Yes it is. But at least I don't have any snow or ice on the ground.
  15. Patchman

    The South

    Dang, 29deg. Hello 2025!