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  1. Patchman

    MOVED: RIP Rusty Mccree

    This topic has been moved to Announcements.
  2. Patchman

    Proper maintenance for Bravos

    Since we have an outdrive shop here now, what is the best maintenance procedure for taking care of the bravos? I need to service mine, and the last drive service I did was on an alphs 20 years ago.  think.gif :smile14:
  3. Patchman

    80's Earl Smith Tunnel

    For sale: $9000 White Trash 148. 80's Earl Smith Gen. 1 tunnel. 2015 SDBA & Lucas High points Champion river racer class. 2016 runner up Lucas. 460 4-bolt MK-IV Chevy, 1050 Holley. $9000 turnkey or will sell just the hull. ( no pump, no motor) any way you want it. NO TITLE/NOT A LAKE BOAT...
  4. Patchman

    The Calender

    We have updated the calendar, and have been adding the SDBA race schedule to it. I have to get the Lucas stuff up, and you guys feel free to add whatever event you want to post!  :smile17:
  5. Patchman

    Event & Meets

    I would like to take a moment to let you guys know that only logged in members can now view the Events thread. So feel free to post up your event information here! Guests won't see it! :smile17 We know allot of events don't get posted due to the fact of not wanting a bunch of strangers showing...
  6. Patchman

    Happy New Years!

    Happy New Years THB! Let's make 2017 a great year! Everyone be safe in there travels, hopefully 2017 will bring lots of gatherings on the water! :smile17:
  7. Patchman

    Next boating event.

    So is anyone thinking about scheduling a new event for next year? i know down south we need to hit Somerville again. Hopefully we won't get hit with the floods next year.
  8. Patchman

    THB Facebook.

    Guys I decided to check out FB this morning. THB over there is pretty much a disgrace. I think Cliff needs some serious help, or they need to change the name of the group. They are all arguing about raffles on the site, and their true colors are shining through! I know it's not an easy subject...
  9. Patchman

    Small Block Ford with a little boost!

  10. Patchman

    Jerk or Guardian Angel

    This is going to be a bit long. So if you don't mind a read for the day! For those who don't know, I sell masonry products for the home industry. ( Brick, Mortar, Stone and such) I have been in this business for 15 years, and seen allot of dumb things. One of my biggest hang-ups, are those who...
  11. Patchman

    93 Landau

    New project boat!
  12. Patchman

    I finally Made it!

  13. Patchman


    I think they could make me a new BBF crank! :smile17:
  14. Patchman

    Custom Touch

    Happy Birthday David! Hope it's a great one!
  15. Patchman

    Poker run Lake Travis

    Poker run on Lake Travis Saturday 9/17/2016. Should be fun! :smile17:
  16. Patchman

    MOVED: Lake event September 24

    This topic has been moved to North.
  17. Patchman

    MOVED: Lake event September 24

    This topic has been moved to Events and Meets.
  18. Patchman

    Paris 2016

    Who is ready to go racing? I'm ready to get away from work for the weekend! crazy.gif
  19. Patchman

    V-drive guy question.

    So just exactly what are the differences between a circle boat hull, and a v-drive hull ? ( Like a runner bottom) :smile21:
  20. Patchman

    t-deck project?