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  1. 73 Sanger Flat

    Pate museum Car Auction June 5th

    The Pate Museum is going to auction off all of the old cars that thay had in the collection. This is where the large Pate Swap meet started from years ago . Sure is sad to see this place close . I pass it everyday driving home .. I wish i could get a couple of these cars m but I am sure they...
  2. 73 Sanger Flat


    Is anyone  going to the Nascar Race on Sunday ?. We will be there in the upper level in section 115.. My daughter gave us her ticket vouchers that she got from a friend . I did not think they would be any good , but they are pretty good seat for free .. Of course it suppose to rain Sunday , Oh...
  3. 73 Sanger Flat

    It is SNOWING !!!! Thursday 2-11-10

    It is Snowing  a lot this morning in the Dallas Ft.Worth area .. Sure is pretty .. Sure hope is stops soon.. The road are already a mess over here . I seen at least 4 wrecks coming to work this morning .. It will be a huge mess soon with all the morning traffic
  4. 73 Sanger Flat

    It is SNOWING

    Got to work this morning ( Plano Tx ) and it was sleeting and now it is SNOWING . The whole ground is completely white .. Sure look pretty , but I hate that stuff .. It better be gone before I have to drive home ..
  5. 73 Sanger Flat


    Just wanted to wish all my fellow TEXAS HOTBOATS Members a GREAT THANKSGIVING .. Hope everyone has a Good Thanksgiving and plenty of good food to eat . I am of work Wednesday through Sunday .. So everyone be safe and be carefull if you are traveling .. Billy
  6. 73 Sanger Flat

    Concreted Block Question

    OK : I have a Merlin 2 Block that is concreted up to the bottom of the water pump holes . My question is: Beside the oil running hotter than a normal water jacketed block , what other concern are there to run a block that has been filled . I have a tube type oil cooler that I can add to the...
  7. 73 Sanger Flat

    Joe Pool ( Lynn Creek Park ) last weekend in Oct

    I talked to EO last weekend and he will be having a small get together at Joe Pool Lake at Lynn Creek Park the last weekend in October for the end of Summer get together . The park closes after this weekend ..  I believe it will be Saturday the 31st . I will try and make it as a spectator , no...
  8. 73 Sanger Flat

    OK who is this ??

    This has to be some one down in the south , come and and admit it .. Who was it ? It a boat ramp , not a car wash ..  :smile23:
  9. 73 Sanger Flat

    Good Friday Morning

    Just wanted to wish everyone a good Friday and hope everyone has a great weekend . Nothing exciting for me for about 4 more weeks, So I will be kicking back  and taking naps all weekend ..