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  1. Patchman


    So has anyone heard from Greaser? Did he find a boat, or did the wife find out he was looking? think.gif :smile20:
  2. Patchman

    Hey Northies!

    Come next weekend you guys best be ready! The South is gonna ride your direction! :smile16: :smile16: :smile30:
  3. Patchman

    Demon seed

    So I wonder what happened to ol Demonseed! I guess taking his boat out three or four times a year turned out to be too much for him! think.gif crazy.gif
  4. Patchman

    I like sprinkles too!

    Warning adults only! :smile16:
  5. Patchman

    Wow! :smile16:
  6. Patchman

    Southern girls!

  7. Patchman


    Thank you all military members who currently serve and who have served to make our home safe! clap.gif clap.gif
  8. Patchman

    The Anger Sanger!

    Time to fix this boat! Motor went to the machine shop today! :smile16:
  9. Patchman

    Eliminator scorpion

  10. Patchman

    Some people have no taste!

    What a waste of a boat! :smile15:
  11. Patchman

    Best news I've heard all day!

    It's about dam time!
  12. Patchman

    75 Farm truck.

    Drug the ol girl out of hibernation. Time to pull some jet boats in style! :smile16:
  13. Patchman

    Cat avatar!

    What's up with all these posers lately? I'm the cat guy of THB! :smile15:
  14. Patchman

    Hatemail thread for CJ & Speed500.

    Figure I would start this thread so you two could let it out here, instead of in every other thread on the board! No hard feelings guys, I know deep down inside you two really like each other! In a creepy kind of way! :smile26:
  15. Patchman

    The North!

    Man those North guys are alive and kicking today! Something must be in the water up there! think.gif It's like a bad episode of Survivor up there! crazy.gif :smile16: :smile16:
  16. Patchman

    Flake chart!

    Got me a new metal flake chart! jump.gif
  17. Patchman

    Trashy avatars!

    Scarab guy takes the cake on trashy avatars! clap.gif
  18. Patchman

    Happy B-day Scarabscs!

    Happy B-day Sgayrab! :smile16:
  19. Patchman

    Good article!

    think.gif :smile16:
  20. Patchman

    Cool vid of Havasu!
