Search results

  1. Patchman

    peter griffin

    You can thank me later! :smile30:
  2. Patchman

    drinking tips
  3. Patchman


    Wow! :smile30:
  4. Patchman

    Lessons for Wakemaker and Devilman!

    This is where you guys should be with a little more practice! :smile30:
  5. Patchman

    From Slowryd

  6. Patchman

    Need carb for Mercruiser Bravo 454.

    Need a good stock carb for Bravo 454. It's a thermal choke Marine Carter - Edelbrock. For 93 Crownline.
  7. Patchman

    Funny interview!
  8. Patchman

    Boating tips for new boaters! Something useful for once.

    These have been my findings so far. Tip # 1. Don't forget the plug and bring a spare (Kona) 2. Don't forget the bow strap 3. Bring lots of tires 4. Have plenty of fuel 5. Bring extra set of keys for boat & for truck if you drink ( Devilman) 6. Bring a rope, in case your friends have Chevy...
  9. Patchman

    New topic!

    I'll get back to ya'll when I have one! :smile30:
  10. Patchman

    Sports video for my friends!

    Thought this might help us make it through the day! :smile26: The first video anyway!
  11. Patchman

    Anyone know this guy?

    Does anyone recognize this guy? :smile21:
  12. Patchman

    Where be Kona?

    Leanne goes on vacation and Kona vanishes! What's up with that! I guess we know who rises with the chickens! :smile26:
  13. Patchman

    Youngblood TX19
  14. Patchman

    19' Eliminator
  15. Patchman

    How to trace hull history with out HIN?

    Any suggestions or does anyone have any experience in this matter?
  16. Patchman

    Funny video!
  17. Patchman

    Watch out Slowryd! :smile26: Now that looks fun!
  18. Patchman

    Heard this was spotted in Victoria! What have you boys been up to down there? :smile30:
  19. Patchman

    Them old Fords! Hate it when this crap happens! :smile30:
  20. Patchman

    Boating in the UK!

    Warning this is graphic!