A new THB .com


Staff member
I purchased the software this weekend for a new Forum board. What we are working on is something in between Facebook and this site. I know that this site is outdated. And allot of people like the functionality of Facebook. So it is time for THB to get a serious facelift. Our plan is to create the new board with an option of logging into this site. We will keep this site alive as it is because of the history and great tech that is here. There are allot of memories here of past members that are no longer with us. I figure the least I can do is preserve what those people actually took the time to be part of.

I know the site doesn't have the membership here it once did, but I am OK with that. As long as I know that my boating family still has an interest in a forum board or at least looking at old threads posted up by some of our lost family. It is worth the cost in my eyes. Besides if I didn't spend the money on THB hosting and what not, I would probably just spend it on a Blown Hawaiian Day cruiser! :smile26: No body wants to see that!

The other nice thing about the new board will be a Merch page. I am finally getting everything in place for shirts and koozies. I have been working on that for a couple of years now and can see some progress. As I get my personal life caught up and less crap on my plate I will have more time to focus on THB and hopefully make it something great again. I have two great guys working on the new board. They are enthusiastic, and have some great ideas. I will always be open for suggestions, and with the new software we will have support for years to come.

Another advantage to the new board will be that it scales to the smartphone better. So like Facebook, it will be easy to use THB on your cellular device! I feel that has been a hinderance for this board for quite sometime. So hopefully with in the next week or so, I will have more info and maybe something for you to look at. Thank you for your participation here!


Well-known member
That's cool man, looking forward to see how it turns out. Is the image gallery content still out there in cyberspace somewhere or did it get lost? Making it more smartphone friendly will be good also. I don't use my phone much, but will be nice if/when I do.

I get a kick out of reading some of the old stuff occasionally also, some funny stuff. :smile16:

Thanks for the update an shit...  clap.gif :smile17:


Staff member
The gallery isn't lost. When they updated the software for this board, it broke the gallery. There is a solution that we will be working on to fix that. That is my last request for this site. So I hope to get that up and functional once more. The reality will probably be that once fixed completely this site will be locked as is once the new one is functional. Kind of become a museum if you will.  We can't keep updating it and not break something when we do. So it will be for viewing pleasure only. I am not happy about that thought, but it makes since too me. I have high hopes for the new site. I know we all need something good to look forward too! Seems like boating has gotten a little quiet from what it once was. (For me at least.) But my situation has changed, and I see myself having a little more time here and there.

All I ask is that peeps log on and at least say hi every now and then. If someone wants to do an event or at least has a good idea for one, feel free to let me know. I figure we get what we put in! So I am willing to put in more so than I have in the past. I also am looking for artwork for THB gear! So those of you who are creative, or have ideas of something you mite like to see, message me please. I have had all kinds of ideas, but the design work takes me awhile because I am not proficient at it. So any help there is a plus. I want some new logo's for a new look! I have set up an account with a shirt supplier/koozies as well. So they will hopefully be an easier solution and we will make to order. Don't have to order 100 to get a good price. I know I have been talking about this stuff for two years now. But I finally have everything in place. Yes I am slow, but it is getting done!


Well-known member
Gotcha, good that it's not lost, probably some pics there that would be neat to see again. Copy that on the new set up. Like you say, it's not ideal, but not lost either so there is that.

Ya, things change with folks, all sorts of reasons. Some grow up, some refuse to... haha Things take time, it's understandable. Thanks for making the effort.


Staff member
Actually checking out the function of the new board this morning. It will look a little different, but it works way better than what we have here. Videos and pics are extremely easy to post! jump.gif jump.gif jump.gif


Active member
Patchman said:
It's a work in progress, but it is happening.

I went over to the new site. So do we need to re register or will it have all of our old registration info and member profiles ?


Staff member
DrumZilla said:
Patchman said:
It's a work in progress, but it is happening.

I went over to the new site. So do we need to re register or will it have all of our old registration info and member profiles ?

They are still working on all that. We would like everything to cross over, but it may not be possible. I'll know more once we can get it totally implemented. Glad you checked it out though! clap.gif clap.gif


Staff member
The old site is backed up. Technically the old site info was converted over to this site. Now on to restoring the gallery!;)

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
I purchased the software this weekend for a new Forum board. What we are working on is something in between Facebook and this site. I know that this site is outdated. And allot of people like the functionality of Facebook. So it is time for THB to get a serious facelift. Our plan is to create the new board with an option of logging into this site. We will keep this site alive as it is because of the history and great tech that is here. There are allot of memories here of past members that are no longer with us. I figure the least I can do is preserve what those people actually took the time to be part of.

I know the site doesn't have the membership here it once did, but I am OK with that. As long as I know that my boating family still has an interest in a forum board or at least looking at old threads posted up by some of our lost family. It is worth the cost in my eyes. Besides if I didn't spend the money on THB hosting and what not, I would probably just spend it on a Blown Hawaiian Day cruiser! :smile26: No body wants to see that!

The other nice thing about the new board will be a Merch page. I am finally getting everything in place for shirts and koozies. I have been working on that for a couple of years now and can see some progress. As I get my personal life caught up and less crap on my plate I will have more time to focus on THB and hopefully make it something great again. I have two great guys working on the new board. They are enthusiastic, and have some great ideas. I will always be open for suggestions, and with the new software we will have support for years to come.

Another advantage to the new board will be that it scales to the smartphone better. So like Facebook, it will be easy to use THB on your cellular device! I feel that has been a hinderance for this board for quite sometime. So hopefully with in the next week or so, I will have more info and maybe something for you to look at. Thank you for your participation here!