Compression for Blown Alcohol Engine ??

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
Ok Guys , been thinking  and that normally gets me into a lot of trouble ..

What is the maximun compression ratio that you can do for a Blown Methonal  Engine ??  I juts love the sound of an Alcohol Blown Engine ...

Anybody have any experience with this set up ??

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
I will see if they chime in later , if not i will PM one of them . I think it is like 11-11.5 on the compression .. It just a pipe dream right now ..


New member
  think.gif  think.gif  think.gif OOOOOOOOOboy lot's of veriable's on this one.
  race deal or lake ??  fuel,  meth or e85/    block,  standard auto or after market.
  static compression can be anywhere from 8.5 to 1 to 16 to 1  then you get into the dist. and electronic's deal.  a 7al work's unless you start getting crazy with boost and static comp.then it's time for a msd-10 + or a super mag.  blower size, boost  fuel delivery.    all play in to what you want the motor to be.
  a thought to remember there are subtel differance's between building a gas verses a alky motor.
  not trying to scare you off of it . the alky deal's are great,  fuel is cheaper, tuning window's are a whole lot more forgiving.    you just need to know wether you want to be miled or down right bad to the bone.


Active member

Without any water in the river does it make any difference?  The boat performance is the same if it's on the trailer.

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
jimsplace said:

Without any water in the river does it make any difference?  The boat performance is the same if it's on the trailer.

That is the problem Jim , with no water to go play on , it gives me more time to dream of what I want

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
3boatpaul said:
  think.gif think.gif think.gif OOOOOOOOOboy lot's of veriable's on this one.
  race deal or lake ??  fuel,  meth or e85/    block,  standard auto or after market.
  static compression can be anywhere from 8.5 to 1 to 16 to 1  then you get into the dist. and electronic's deal.  a 7al work's unless you start getting crazy with boost and static comp.then it's time for a msd-10 + or a super mag.  blower size, boost  fuel delivery.    all play in to what you want the motor to be.
  a thought to remember there are subtel differance's between building a gas verses a alky motor.
  not trying to scare you off of it . the alky deal's are great,  fuel is cheaper, tuning window's are a whole lot more forgiving.    you just need to know wether you want to be miled or down right bad to the bone.

I would want it to be able to run it on the lake also so not all out race .. I like what Jim has done to his boat . His is a 540 with a 14-71 on E-85..

My current engine is 555 Cubic Inch 13.5 to 1  ,, Dart Big M Tall block , Dart Pro One heads , Callies Compstar Cranks , Scat Rods  6.8 long  , JE Pistons , Jomar stud Girdle , Isky 730 lift cam , currently running a BLP 1050  E-85 carb , MSD 6A-L box, with a digital retard box to help start .. I have not got this deal dialed in yet , so I might be good once it makes all the power it can ..

So what would be an optimun compression for an E-85 or Methonal  set up for lake use .. Something like 10 to 1 ??, Thinking of getting an 8-71 blower so i would not need a crank trigger or offset dist. I know it is close to being too small for a 555.. Would the MSD 6A-L box be OK ??  I just want something around a 1000 HP ..

Like I stated before , this is only a dream right now ..


Active member

Get the 14-71.  They don't cost that much more than an 8 or 10 and with your motor size it is not too big.  Go with a crank trigger and low profile distributor, you don't need an off-set distributor.  I can take my distributor out with the blower removed and the manifold still in place.  Removing the blower is easy, eight nuts, carb linkage and fuel lines and a hoist.  Blowers aren't light.  How often do you take your distributor out?

On the other hand, your combination has the capability to run as fast I think you really want.  Look at the pro-gas flat record and compare it to the blown-gas record.  Both are basically unlimited modified engines, so it is a fair comparison.(the blower engine can actually be bigger)  There is not much difference in et.

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
I am hoping to get this E-85 engine running faster.. I might take it to 'J' in Abilene and let him put it on his Dyno this winter so i can get it dialed in .. If it get me the speed I want,  I will be happy but I will still want a blower engine .. I just love the way they sound and make power .. I don;t think My E-85 engine is making the power right now . i think it this new carb that I have .. I going to try and run  some race gas and my old 1250 carb and see what it does , and then borrow a E-85 carb from EO and see what it does ..

If you just turn your back for about an hour with your boat at the ramp  , all my troubles will be resolved  .. LOL ..

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
Not sure when  or where  , maybe if we get some  rain before winter gets here I will be able to finish testing or it going on the Dyno this winter



New member
Brazos River Rat ( Billy ) said:
3boatpaul said:
  think.gif think.gif think.gif OOOOOOOOOboy lot's of veriable's on this one.
  race deal or lake ??  fuel,  meth or e85/    block,  standard auto or after market.
  static compression can be anywhere from 8.5 to 1 to 16 to 1  then you get into the dist. and electronic's deal.  a 7al work's unless you start getting crazy with boost and static comp.then it's time for a msd-10 + or a super mag.  blower size, boost  fuel delivery.    all play in to what you want the motor to be.
  a thought to remember there are subtel differance's between building a gas verses a alky motor.
  not trying to scare you off of it . the alky deal's are great,  fuel is cheaper, tuning window's are a whole lot more forgiving.    you just need to know wether you want to be miled or down right bad to the bone.

I would want it to be able to run it on the lake also so not all out race .. I like what Jim has done to his boat . His is a 540 with a 14-71 on E-85..

My current engine is 555 Cubic Inch 13.5 to 1  ,, Dart Big M Tall block , Dart Pro One heads , Callies Compstar Cranks , Scat Rods  6.8 long  , JE Pistons , Jomar stud Girdle , Isky 730 lift cam , currently running a BLP 1050  E-85 carb , MSD 6A-L box, with a digital retard box to help start .. I have not got this deal dialed in yet , so I might be good once it makes all the power it can ..

So what would be an optimun compression for an E-85 or Methonal  set up for lake use .. Something like 10 to 1 ??, Thinking of getting an 8-71 blower so i would not need a crank trigger or offset dist. I know it is close to being too small for a 555.. Would the MSD 6A-L box be OK ??  I just want something around a 1000 HP ..

Like I stated before , this is only a dream right now ..
  look's like you have a good foundation , love dart block's  super beefie main's  and  nice to have  the extra  head stud above the cyc. for more head clamping ability.  at 13.1 --- if you can get you'r carb dialed in and
the tune right for e-85 i think you might be happy until you can get where you want on a blower deal. like the 10-1 or 11-1 deal's    but at 13-1 n/a should hit good.
  if it was me i would do the e-85 deal. just because i use to use methanol, DAM GREAT STUFFf. BUT the down
  side is  1 corrosive as all get out , just plain messy ,will poison your self if not carefull, bla bla bla.  :smile20:
  the 555 i'm building will be a solid block using 9.8 to 1 piston's  with  canfield head's . but this will be a n/a motor. kind of going back to my orignal root,s  will be an alky motor on 3 stage's of nos . this is about as much as i'm going to let out about it.  :smile30: