
Last Mohecian

Hang with me as this is hard for me to do.  Not sure why today is the day but I feel like I need to put this out there this morning.  Some of you are aware of the drama between Cliff and I.  I have made amends with Cliff.  For the last 4 or 5 year I have been battling pretty severe depression.  It got really bad after the back surgery two years ago.  My back surgery was 100% successful but the recovery period put me into a tail spin I could not get out of.  Cliff became a target for me and for that I apologize.

As a grown man it is sometimes difficult to admit we have a problem that we can not fix on our own.  I finally came to the conclusion the week before Thanksgiving that I needed help.  I am working very closely with my Dr. to get this under control.  The meds have made a tremendous difference for me.  I feel like I am getting back to being the person I was and always have been.  I will not go into details on the events that happened 6 years ago to start me down the path I have been on.  I will say that 2014 is going to bring the happy person I once was back to the world and back to the lake.  I will be the leaner happier person I have been all my life.  I plan to lose the big hat too.  While I love that thing, I hate the way it looks in pics. LOL.

I can't emphasize this enough.  if you have never dealt with depression or you think you may be dealing or know someone who is dealing with it, Don't take depression lightly.  It is a very real disease and it is something that you can get help with.  It is the ones that hide it well that are the most at risk.  I lost 5 years of my life to it.  I wish I had realized sooner that I needed help.

I consider you all friends and needed to share.

Happy new year!


Staff member
Glad to have you back man! Anything I can do to help, just ask. I have lost a good friend to depression, so I know how bad it can be!

Knotty Girl

New member
Matt you have always been a class act to me and I thank you for our friendship.  clap.gif clap.gif clap.gif If you need something ask buddy.


Welcome back Matt....I appreciate what you said and I forgive you....and have forgiven you a long time back. Please accept my public apologies for spouting off a time or two as well.

I've dealt with situational depression myself.......though never chronic, I can empathize with you in what you're going through.

We'll always be friends and I'm glad you're making it a goal to get back to the Matt we all like to hang out with.


Last Mohecian

Crusader said:
Welcome back Matt....I appreciate what you said and I forgive you....and have forgiven you a long time back. Please accept my public apologies for spouting off a time or two as well.

I've dealt with situational depression myself.......though never chronic, I can empathize with you in what you're going through.

We'll always be friends and I'm glad you're making it a goal to get back to the Matt we all like to hang out with.


Thanks Cliff.  And thanks for the link.


Well-known member
Nice post, welcome back Matt. I always enjoyed reading your posts & what information you brought to the table. I look forward to seeing you around again on the boards & hope to catch ya on the water sometime soon.  And you are right, we can't always fix things on our own. Life is short, glad you are doing better. Here's to 2014, cheers brotha... :smile17:


New member

Glad to hear you are getting help.  Hope to get up there with one of the boats this year and cruise the lake with you.  Would be great to see all the gang together.


New member
i love both of you guys.i am so proud to call both of you BEST FRIENDS.great summer coming

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
That is great News Matt . I hope everything works out the best for you . It is easy to fall into a bad depression . I know I did when my Mom passed away this last year .
May 2014 be great for all of us ..


New member
Depression is some serious business, I have close freinds and family that deal with it daily.  It takes a strong person to realize something is wrong, and act on it.  Good decision to get with a Dr, 2014 will be a great year!  :smile17:


New member
Matt....  and Cliff too..



Active member
While I don't pretend to understand the causes or results of depression I know it is a lot more common than folks realize. Identifying the problem is a long way towards getting better. Good luck and see you this summer.


Active member
I applaud you for your decisions.
I was never aware of the issue you referred too, and have never seen anything but a class act on your part.
Actually, I hope you don't plan to change too much, I liked the Matt I met.
Sorry to here about the issues/troubles, but glad you will be getting better! Always injoy hering and talking to good family and freinds! Good luck and come on 2014!!

PS Hope to see a lot of you northies here in a few weeks!!!


New member
WELL WITH ALL THAT BEING SAID ! looks like I will be spending all summer on the lake with you folks . Problem is I need a fast hull to put my motor in . O and glad ya'll kissed and made up

Last Mohecian

Thanks for all the support and kind words.  Depression is a funny thing.  It can manifest itself in many different ways.  I believe I was pretty good at hiding it from most people.  My wife certainly saw the change in me and a couple of friends called me out on it once or twice.  Other than that I don't think many had any clue about the daily personal struggles I have been battling.  Looking back, The scary part for me is how bad I have actually been the past 5 years.  Hind sight is 20/20.  I see now I should have asked for help long ago.

I am confident that I will come out of this stronger than ever.  It will be a long row to hoe but with the support of friends and family I will prevail.  This is more than winter blues for me.  It has been a daily 5 year struggle.  I am confident that with the return of spring and help from my Dr., friends and family I will be well on my way to a full recovery.  Right now the hardest part of my recovery is these short, cold winter days.  I am a summer person.  Come on spring!!!  hurry.gif

Jim, The person you know is very close to the person I am.  I doubt many of you will even see a difference in me.  The big change will be my outlook on the world around me and the way I deal with daily struggles.  Prime example.  A month ago it was all I could do to muster the desire or energy to get off the couch to even go check the mail.  Today I check the mail on my way back from a 4 or 5 mile walk around the neighborhood.


New member
Matt, we should all get LS Corvettes to hang out with in the winter time. Maybe take them to Redline once in a while. I know I'm selling off all my "extra" toys to get a C5 for cash. Just gonna have the Glastron for the next few years while in school.


New member
great to have you back Matt,  missed you here on the boards... clap.gif

p.s.  I've been needing someone new to screw with...  lol....  just kidding

again welcome back to the nut house  :smile17:


New member
KONA said:
great to have you back Matt,  missed you here on the boards... clap.gif

p.s.  I've been needing someone new to screw with...  lol....  just kidding

again welcome back to the nut house  :smile17:
Yeah he is getting tired of picking on me