Good Friday Morning and Happy 4th of July

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
Just wanted to start the day off good and wish every one a Happy Friday and hope everyone enjoys the 4th of July .

Have Fun and be safe out there .. The crazy people that do not know how to operate a boat or jetskies will be out in force this weekend ..So be extra careful out this wekend , Do not want any bad news on THB Tuesday morning ..

I am planning to take the Grandkids out to the lake for some tubing and swimming in the old Ski boat .. Not taking the flattie out this weekend , saving it for July 10th .. at Steel Creek .. for test and tune the new E-85 carb and try the new gears out ..


Active member
Good morning from beautiful, and wet, Katy Tx. It's raining, has been raining and will continue to rain for the next two or three days.  :smile18:  Weekend boating is probably not gonna happen. Everyone have a safe and happy 4th of July. Don't blow you self up!  :smile27: TJ


Well-known member
Brazos River Rat said:
Just wanted to start the day off good and wish every one a Happy Friday and hope everyone enjoys the 4th of July .

Have Fun and be safe out there .. The crazy people that do not know how to operate a boat or jetskies will be out in force this weekend ..So be extra careful out this wekend , Do not want any bad news on THB Tuesday morning ..

I am planning to take the Grandkids out to the lake for some tubing and swimming in the old Ski boat .. Not taking the flattie out this weekend , saving it for July 10th .. at Steel Creek .. for test and tune the new E-85 carb and try the new gears out ..

Back at ya Billy.  :smile17: Sounds like a nice weekend ya got planned. Not sure what we'll be up to, they are calling for rain pretty much solid from now through next week. Guess its good I got the yard cut when I did, lol... If we go anywhere, it'll be back to our little river hangout & let the kids & grandkids play in the sand for awhile.

So you got the Cole running? Sweet.... :evil: :wink: :cool:


New member
Good morning everyone,  i also wish everyone a safe and happy 4th,  probably won't be any boating on our part,  the rivers are all messed up here,  so we'll just have to be land lovers, well land that aint covered in rain water  :smile30:

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
So you got the Cole running? Sweet.... :evil: :wink: :cool:

Yeah got  it running a few weeks back , did a little test run on it to break the engine in and oil temp was about 240 in 15 minutes of running .So I got about 30 minutes on the new engine .  So I added an oil cooler and some lines so hopefully that will keep the oil temp down some .. Laid down a couple off half track passes and it felt good . needed some taller gears to help keep the RPM down and load the engine better , I still need to install the E-85 carb this next week and I will be ready to finish breaking in the engine on July 10th . , then maybe lay down a couple of nice passes .. Maybe ..

Engine felt strong , It came out to  13.6 to 1 on compression , estimate on HP is 850-900 on E-85  ..

If this E-85 works , this is going to be great , E-85 is about 2.60 a gallon .. I have to drive about 30 miles to get it at the Kroger gas station .. 
hope everyone has a great weekend and is safe.. we are going to try to go to the river on sunday... of all the weekends for rain it sucks that its this weekend.. watch out for the drunks on the water and on land..  happy 4th of july weekend to everyone...


New member
Hope everyone has a great 4th and be safe.  I certainly agree there are going to be a bunch of water maggets out this weekend. Looks like maybe Sunday may be a nice day with some scattered showers. If some of you peeps out east are missing boating come on down to lake Mathis on Sunday.  :smile17: