Happy Valentines Day THB


New member
Nice!  My pet peeve right now is the Set Fire to Rain Song.  There is a girl in my office that listens to 104.1, and the song plays atleast once or twice an hour.  Im contemplating setting fire to her radio.  :smile15:


Well-known member
scarabscs said:
Nice!  My pet peeve right now is the Set Fire to Rain Song.  There is a girl in my office that listens to 104.1, and the song plays atleast once or twice an hour.  Im contemplating setting fire to her radio.  :smile15:

Anything by Kings of Leon is enough to do that, can't stand those sumbiches... :tongue: :grin:


New member
Motor Head said:
Duanehydro said:
It wouldn't be so bad, but it's the same songs, 2-3 times a day, everyday, over and over again....I'm sick to death of the tear-jerkin' ..my ol lady left me my horse won't run, my dog ran away bullshit.
LMAO!! what about red solo cup?
Now theres a country song we all can drink to


Active member
wooho! today we have 2 different country stations playing in the shop, as well as r&r next to me and rap playing at the other end... crazy.gif

where I come from it's cornbread and gonna hitch a ride, head for the other side....boom, boom mf this mf that ......red solo cup....