It is SNOWING !!!! Thursday 2-11-10

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
It is Snowing  a lot this morning in the Dallas Ft.Worth area .. Sure is pretty ..
Sure hope is stops soon.. The road are already a mess over here . I seen at least 4 wrecks coming to work this morning .. It will be a huge mess soon with all the morning traffic

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
Tell me about it . Granbury to Frisco is 82 miles , and the Idiots out there driving ..
The ones driving 20 MPH are the scary one to watch out for ..when everyone else is doing 55-60.. 


Well-known member
Man, stay safe on the roads up there. All it takes is one guy to run up on one of them slowdrivin mofos, next thing ya know ya got a pile-up.... You drive 80 miles to go to work, Billy?

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
yes I do and that is one way , IT SUCKS !! But it pays pretty good ..

I hate it when it rains or snows , it totally screws up my drive ..


Well-known member
Brazos River Rat said:
yes I do and that is one way , IT SUCKS !! But it pays pretty good ..

I hate it when it rains or snows , it totally screws up my drive ..

Least you got the good pay goin for it. I used to drive 45 miles to work one way. I didn't think it was that bad till we moved & cut that in half, lol....

Be going back to it in a few years though it looks like, if things go right... :wink:


Well-known member
Thats cool guys try'n to get more country  :cool:

Well, we own the 4 acres over there we were living on thanks to Carole's dad, before he passed away. Just makes sense to use it instead of it just being there doing nothing. Our plan is to get the trailers gone & then build a place. Plus I'll have room for the shop I want. :wink: Its quiet out there, mostly farm land with no close neighbors. Seven miles away from Texana, way closer to the river as well. We love the house we're in, but its kinda overkill for just the 2 of us. Besides that, Victoria county sux ass far as the taxes go & its just gonna get worse here pretty soon.


Well-known member
KONA77 said:
that's cool,  edna is about 30 minutes form the colorado maybe a touch longer :smile30:

Yep, thats true as well.  :wink: Unfortunately that will put us further away from Colet, but distance never really stopped us before. We don't go there any more now than when we lived in Edna.


Well-known member
Not bad at all......that will be nice  :cool:

Yup. And will still have room for people to stay & what-not, with WAY more room to park the toys.

Will make it easier to have the stereo & the TV on at the same time too. For when we party.... :grin:


Well-known member
that just happened! lol :grin:

Yeah, it'll be a bit, but gives us time to design it, figure out a floorplan, etc. Since we will be able to do most of it ourselves(with some help) we'll be able to do it exactly how we want. Thats how my mom & stepdad did their place. Built the house & shop themselves from the ground up, paid as they went so its done now & nothing owed on it. We helped them off & on quite a bit, it wasn't that difficult. They've already said when we get ready, just give 'em the word. Shit, if it was up to me, I'd almost just say screw the house & go back to living in the trailer. I want to make it how I want it though. :wink:

Yeah, I forgot you had some land out in the country down there. Need a trailer to put on it for a camp house? :grin: Nueces county huh, I got a picture taken courtesy of Nueces county one night down there.... :tongue: :grin:


Well-known member
Patchman said:
When I build, I'm building a metal building with a house inside! :smile17:

Buddy of mine did that awhile back. Don't recall what size a building it was, but you go in the door & it was the size of a decent 2 bedroom apartment, full kitchen, etc... had a door in the master bedroom leading straight out into the shop.  :grin:

And I'll tell you what, Ricky, you are truly blessed. Those two boys are two in a million, just like Carley's ta-tas. You won't find another rack like that, I guarantee it. :cheesy:


New member
Duanehydro said:
sturat said:
Chip I'll be on you like a spider monkey
Greatest generation my a$$ Tom Brokaw is a punk.

did I miss something again? :smile29:
Yep Cody said he was all jacked up on Mountain Dew and Shake and bake ( Talladega nights)