73 Sanger Flat

Active member
Got to work this morning ( Plano Tx ) and it was sleeting and now it is SNOWING . The whole ground is completely white .. Sure look pretty , but I hate that stuff .. It better be gone before I have to drive home ..

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
You can have all of this snow George , just come on up and take it .. I wan't stop you

It sure looks pretty from inside the office ,

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
George :
Sent a couple of pictures to your email of the snow we got this morning , I could not get them to post on the site this morning ..


I'll take snow, but the sleet and ice can stay away for sure!

horsepower junkie

New member
What is it about 300 miles one way ? Any thing in the middle, with the COLD weather and all, I guess the further south the better. That's easy for me to say, the lake is not to far from my house. The weather man say's 74 sat & 71 sun. I bet I could find you a place to stay.


Staff member
I guess that prop will do better on ice than a jet! HA HA! You might have to double up on those orange jackets!


Ill be 30ft in the air on a man lift inspecting welds on a big suction pyle that's going on the ocean floor


New member
Dont think I'll be going to the river, just did the the keel and don't want to take any chances with an ice berg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!