Jet Boat Crash in Granbury on 7-18-2010 ???

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
I cut and copied this over from Drag Boat Alley

I only copied part of it

was informed of a boat crash killing one person on lake Granbury 7/18/10. I was told it was a V-Bottom Jet boat from the OK Panhandle, its was the boats first time out. Anyone heard anything about this yet?
24 year old Hood county woman died and the male driver is in ICU. Names have not been released and alcohol is suspected. The Brazos River Authority and Local Sherriffs office is still investigating and interviweing people that were on Sandy Beach during the time of the accident."

This is all I have.[/]

wareagle063, we understand how the media works and he (my friend) was wondering why the info is being withheld for so long. He saw the boat crash.

"no wind at all. He chined walked and then the nose lifted, but you know how sometimes on hot days and no winds you have a cool gust that develops on section of the lake.
From what i saw, he had it on plain, trimmed it up real high, then put on the rooster tail, then 4 seconds later he was up in the air."


73 Sanger Flat

Active member
I sure hope this did not happen . I do not know how they could keep this out of the media if it did happen . Granbury is a small town ..

You would think our local newpaper would of covered it .

never know , maybe some one is trying to keep it a secrete

Hey Cookieman , did you hear anything or see anyhting , this would be pretty close to your place right ?