Jetboat ( Steve's ) fire in boat at Lake Texoma

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
Received a phone call Saturday morning from Jetboat ( Steve) and this email . I will just copy and paste the email for you guys to see .
I am not sure excatly what caused the fire at this time . sound like the engine puke some oil out and then a flash fire out the front of the engine .. Matt had to jump in the lake to get the fire to go out .. The lake patrol told them that the life jacket kept the fire from burning his body more that it did .. It burnt the jacket and that kept the fire off of Matt .. I will let you guys know more when I find out ..
Please put Matt and his family in your prayers..

Email :
Today Matt and Steve were on the boat when there was a "flash" fire. Evidently, the boat backfired then a ball of fire popped out and hit Matt.  Matt is burnt on 10 percent of his body primarily his arms and lower back. He was air lifted to Parkland Hospital in Dallas from Texoma.  When we arrived he had already had a treatment to remove some dead skin.  He is on a pain pump that dispenses medication every 6 minutes, so he is not feeling any pain right now.  He did have alot when they were bathing the dead skin away.  He will undergo another treatment tomorrow and the doctor will look at his wound  at that time.He will need these treatments a couple of times a day plus dressing changes.  There are so many varibles...Since it was a burn caused by oil, they tend to penetrate deep and can cause both nerve and muscle damage. Then add in the fact that he jumped into the lake, he could develop an infection.  So right now we're praying that he will not need surgery or skin grafts.  Thank God he was wearing his life vest or it could have been a lot worse.    Also, Steve received a minor burn on his leg however, is overcome by the entire situation.  Please keep us all in your prayers.  Will keep you posted...God is Good!  Cammie


New member
we will keep you in our prayers and prayer for your speedy recovery,  stay strong and keep the FAITH...."IN GOD WE TRUST"

horsepower junkie

New member
Hope the recovery goes well with no complications, I know first hand about burns, had some third degree on my right leg it is very painful. the both of you are for sure in my prayers!!

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
I talked to Steve this morning and he told me that his son (Matt ) has 3rd degrees burns on 12 percent of his body . Mostly on the back of his arm and his lower back where the life jacket did not cover his body .
Matt was sitting in the back seat leaning over when this happen , good thing he was leaning over , or he could have burned his head and face .. 

I am hoping that Matt get to come home sometime this week , Steve thought maybe Wednesday , I will keep posting on here when i hear more ..

I am hoping I can look at his boat and see what might have happen . Apparantly it puked oil out the  breather on the driver side and then back fired out the carb , I am sure that is what ignited the oil that puked out on Matt . But what made it puke oil and back fire ? According to the lake patrol ,everything on the boat looked good , No fuel leaks and the Flame arrestor was installed under the scoop.



New member
I just got back from visiting Matt at Parkland. He is doing well all considered.
They are giveing him alot of medication due to the pain caused by the burns and scub baths. 
Looks like he will be there at least till the end of the week.
He had a life jacket on, or it would have been much worse, Steve has always insisted anyone in his boat wear a life jacket.
I know Steve and this boat well, and no shortcuts on safety were ever taken when it was built or used.


73 Sanger Flat

Active member
Thanks Charlie for the update:
Here is the last email that i got from them .
  Matt is still at Parkland in room 664 and they have not been able to move him to the actual Burn Unit.  He is in an "overflow" room down the hall from the unit on the surgical floor.
Het had a rough morning with the pain after being in the "tank".  That's where they put him and scrub his wounds with soap using a cheesecloth, then apply silvadine ointment.  They had to increase his Morphine drip and that has helped.  We were able to get him to walk late this evening and he even ate dinner!  That was the most he has eaten since Friday! The doctors have asked that we begin to learn how to do his dressing changes, so that will begin tomorrow.    We give praise that Matt may not need any skin grafts!  Then we are also told that that could change as the degree of a burn changes daily for the first few days.  Hopefully, he will not require surgery and will be able to be discharged home late this week.  We are at the hospital from 7am till almost 8, so rest and "real food" are not in our lives at this point.  So please forgive us that we have not been able to return all your messages. Thinking we're going to call upon those who have offered to help in the near future.

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
Hang in there Cammie and Steve  . I know that this is a rough time for the entire family . Let me know if I can help ..

Tell Matt to hang in there and not to get depressed about this . He is a strong young man and has a lot going for him . 

I agree with you Charlie , I know Steve boat and everything on it is right . No shortcuts were done when he restored this boat a few years back . It was just a freak accident that this happen.


New member
Thanks for the thoughts.This morning,we will learn how to due the treatments and wrap up the burns. It will be the first time i will see them since it happened.Matts, bumed,no sun for a year,no pool for a year,no fishing (unless its nite) but,but, the girls have not stop visiting,and he showed on the kinda boat he was in when the accedent happened.(I bruoght him a preformance boats mag.) Time will tell what i'll do with the boat.Off to parkland.


Well-known member
Wow, Steve... Man, I hate to hear of this. Heck of a situation to say the least, but is sounding positive so far as to how Matt is feeling & doing. You guys all hang in there, we'll keep you in mind with our prayers for a fast recovery.


New member
I will keep you in my prayers and I know how life can change at a minutes notice. Hang in there I know it's tuff but everything will be ok. Take care. Bill"cookieman"

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
I just talked to Steve and his son is still in the Hospital with burns from 1st degee to 3rd degree . Do not know when he will be getting out of the Hospital . Burned the back of his arms to his elbow , burned his lower back and part of it butt .

Matt is getting good care at the Hospital . Apparantly Progreesive Ins is denying the claim on the accident for some reason , I am sure once all of this is calmed down . Steve will pursue legal matters against Progressive. But at this time Steve's main concern is with his son and his recovery ..

I know Steve's boat and it was correctly set up , no shortcuts were taken in restoring this boat . The engine does have an approved coast guard flame arrestor on it . I am like Tom , I think maybe a valve broke causing the oil to puke out and the back fire also ..

Thank God ,Steve make everyone wear a life jacket in his boat, Matt had his jacket on and that saved the upper part of his back from getting burn't

At this time Steve is wanting to just get rid of the boat because of what happen to his son , plus Matt does not want to get back in it , the doctors told them that Matt must stay out of the water ( pool , Lake) and no sun for a year . That will be hard for a 19 year old young man ..
Steve you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers . Hang in there buddy..

Brazos River Rat  __________________


New member
God bless To Steve and Matt. I know it's going to be a long road but don't get dicouraged just keep up the faith. Prayer will work miracles.


New member
:smile16: Matt came home last nite! the doctors said he has some follow up visits,but theres nothing more they can do,that we cant do.We will do a dressing change once a day for the next couple weeks.We are so thankfull that there will be no skin grafs at this time,and as the doctors said,your son had some devine intervention with his healing! We will be going back to the texoma tomarrow were our trailer is,so matt can let the demons out :smile13  Thanks for thr prayers (belive me they really work) :smile16:

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
Good Morning Steve :
I am so happy that Matt got to come home yesterday . I am sure he is a lot happier being home . I know that takes some of the pressure off of you guys being out of that hospital . .. Yeah , let Matt go up there and kick the sh!t out of the boat and take his frustartion out on it . I hope that you change you mind on selling the boat , but I can completely understand if you do decide to sell it .

Tell Matt to hang in there and get well soon . You guys can still go to the events and watch and have fun with everyone . So don;t think you not going to Plowman in October ..

horsepower junkie

New member
jetboat said:
:smile16: Matt came home last nite! the doctors said he has some follow up visits,but theres nothing more they can do,that we cant do.We will do a dressing change once a day for the next couple weeks.We are so thankfull that there will be no skin grafs at this time,and as the doctors said,your son had some devine intervention with his healing! We will be going back to the texoma tomarrow were our trailer is,so matt can let the demons out :smile13  Thanks for thr prayers (belive me they really work) :smile16:

Great news :smile27:.......Good luck with the demons Matt :angel: