Joe Pool ( Lynn Creek Park ) last weekend in Oct

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
I talked to EO last weekend and he will be having a small get together at Joe Pool Lake at Lynn Creek Park the last weekend in October for the end of Summer get together . The park closes after this weekend ..  I believe it will be Saturday the 31st .

I will try and make it as a spectator , no boat this year for me . Need new engine ..

Looking forward to seeing everyone there ..




New member
what happen to your motor,, i thought it was a fairly new motor . ANY HOW IM IN ,,,,IS IT FOR SURE DEAL OR YALL JUST TALKIN. I THOUGHT IT WAS  ON SUNDAY LAST YEAR . WHATEVER LET ME KNOW

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
I know last year I went on a Saturday . I will see EO after work today and ask him again , But on the phone last night , he said the last weekend of the month because the park closes in November

Last Mohecian

I'm in.  Looking forward to it.  :smile15:  Not sure how late I can stay but I will be there.  That is Halloween day.  We may have a party to go to that night.


New member
Count me in for sure  :smile15:  Not sure how late I can stay being its holloween. But I will be there.  Hope for good weather. 

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
The same with me , I will need to get home before the kid start , I have to pass out the candy ..

I am not sure on the baffles for Joe Pool , I do know the Grand Prairie police patrolls the lake

So , if you got baffles , I would bring them just in case , But I do know a couple of the guys that go there and they do not run baffles . But I am not saying it is leagl not to run baffles , your call ..


New member
count me & ken jr. in enjoyed it last year curt said he will be there also.

ken sr. :smile19:


Active member
It will be a good gathering for all.  There was a good turnout last year.  With decent weather, it will be larger than last year.

Last Mohecian

Any of the east side people interested in meeting up at West Marine in Mesquite to caravan over?  There are 4 or 5 of us in the Lavon area and I know Jasson (WAFOBABY) want's to follow us.  It would much less out of his way if we could meet up in Mequite.



Active member
We have had some cool weather along with some moderate weather for this time of year.  It isn't August.

To answer your question about the weather, I assume relates to lake water temperature.

There is no need to bring your ice skates.  It isn't that cool.l.

Last Mohecian

Probably too cold to swim.  Unless you like major league shrinkage.  :smile23:
:smile12:  Hey EO. Tell us some more about the get togethor at Joe Pool. Time, where, what to bring, etc etc etc.    :smile15:    I am planning on being there and I spoke with Rocky and he is looking at being there also.      :smile12:    more information please.  Thank you


New member
I am still planning on being there weather permitting.

When are most people showing up? Fri. afternoon or Sat morning?

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
last year I think it started around mid morning on Saturday . I got there at noon and there were quite a few boats already there


New member
not to bad have had about 3 nites in the 40's .has rained a lots.sat is suppost to be in the 70's joe pool should have a good day .

ken sr.