Joe Pool ( Lynn Creek Park ) last weekend in Oct

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
Sorry I missed everyone , but I thought it would be better to stay at home and not take a chance of getting the Texas Hot Boat gang sick .

Post up some pics.. when you can ..


New member
Thanks E.O. for all of your hospitality and hosting this event, I had a great time.
Will definitely show up this summer to your Friday gatherings.
It was great to see all the old faces and meet new ones.
There were certainly some beautiful and fast boats there, and the food was great.

Good to see everyone from  NTJB, I am planning to show up at Lavon this Sat.
Thanks again..



New member
we had a great time,thanks e.o. and all of the people who put this together,again thanks.

ken sr.

hope to see everone at lavon sat. :smile15: :smile15:


New member
Thanks EO had a really good time cant wait to do it again. The weather was perfect and had a really good turn out.  Looking forward to lavon this coming Sat Nov 7th. Weather is suppose to be GREAT. :smile19: