March Performance Boat Magazine Plowman Edition

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
Just wanted to let you guys know that my wife called me yesterday and she received the March issue of Performance Boats and the Plowman article is in it .. Thanks Brett ...

I have not seen the magazine yet , it will be Friday before I get a chance to see it . She said it looked pretty good .

You can call their office and get copies for 5.00 plus shipping in case any one wants copies and did not get a subscription .

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
did any one get their copy at home .. I just trying to find out how the article is on Plowman . Mine is at home and I will not get home  until Friday ..

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
Thanks Cliff

The wife said they have a big article on the boat  crashed , like a two page lay out and the recovery , she said Jim and My boat made the magazine  with us at the boat ramp holding our boats .. Can't wait to see it ..

Rickey Sanches Back and BlacK boat is in it also ..

John pate with the big yellow cat plus some more my wife told me about and I don;t remember they names .. Randal also made it it there


Victoria and I didn't get to Plowmans until about 7pm on Saturday evening. The PB photographer was supposed to take an action shot of my boat underway but then everyone was warning us not to launch that night so my Crusader missed it's chance at glory and fame like y'all got. Lol......

Very cool that you guys are in the magazine....certainly a keepsake for your kids to have.


73 Sanger Flat

Active member
It will keep one copy with the boat if I ever sell it and I ordered a couple extra magazines yesterday to keep .

It has a good picture of Rocky and Becky in his Blown Day Cruizer  in the magazine also

I am very LUCKY my boat made the cut out of all the bautiful boats that was there

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
Well just had  a chance to look at the March Performance Boat magazine . 13 page layout for the Plowman event  .. Here are most of the pictures
Rocky and Becky on a two page lay out with the article about Plowman  / A red & black Southwind  supercharged jet with the model on it , no name with an inlay picture of the  Steel Creek party pontoon in the back ground ,/ Next page has three boats . Top is a White and Red picklefork jet no name / middle picture is  David Wylie in a blue and white Cal. performance- bottom picture is a white and orange picklefork , no name /  Jim from Abilene holding his  Cole Tr-2 and me holding my Cole Tr-4 in one picture with inlays of Jim's helmet and scoop and a picture of my boat running  /Jim Franklin boat accident on a two page lay out with the story . Randal Ross Sanger Hydro on a two page lay out / Rickey Sanchez on a two page lay out in Back and Black / John Pate in his Yellow Blown Fire Hawk /

I just recievd my additional  5 magazine from Peformance boat for 5 dollar an issue plus shipping .

Here the phone number to call ;Performance Boats /  Michele 702-313-1400

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
better call her and see , Mine subscription order arived in Granbury on Monday 2-14-2011 and and the second ordered arrive Friday 2-18-2011
I bought 5 extra and I should have bought more ,

Mine came in a large white envelope with just a small label from performance , at first I did not think it was a magazine . glad aI opened it ..