Plowman rescheduled from OCT 1st to Sept 22nd and 23rd

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
I was in the middle of the park .. I walked down one time and talked with James huff for a few minutes .. That was Nash at Steel Creek testing out the new blower engine that he got from Crazy Paul that owns the Black Hydro .. This was the first time in the water and they wanted smooth water to test .. They had throttle linkage problems .. I seen you go by in your boat and head up river .. Sorry i missed you guys .. The jets was wanting me to go out and play , but I just did not feel like it ..  I made a few passes Saturday morning testing my airbleeds .


Active member
It was good seeing a lot of the folks I don't see often.  The park is supposed to be cleaned up for next year, so I'm already looking forward to that.  For those who showed up it was a good time as usual.
For those who didn't go or didn't go down to the end of the park, there was still a lot stuff up in the park that needs to be removed.  Most of the park looked good though.
It was a smaller than usual gathering, but considering we were flooded out the two previous years and had a government shut down, making a 3 year lay off, it wasn't bad.  With a little luck, we can continue having the meetings which Gary Snow started and Rocky continued almost 30 years ago. (I wasn't aware of it in the beginning, but that's what many Ol' timers remember) LOL