R/C Madness


Staff member
Everyone thinks they glide to the ground, that's not always the case. Sometimes you have to fly to the ground, especially on windy days!


New member
Duanehydro said:
Now if someone wants to head this way to help, I'd buy em some supper, or better yet, cook for ya! think.gif

i'd love to but i'm just gonna have enough time today,  to get out there here locally,  plus my skills are lacking.... it would be like to beginners out here

i'm nervous enough,  with not flying after 5 years of not flying,   


Staff member
I first flew Chris's plane after nothing for 17 years. It was a little sketchy at first, but dad can do anything! After a few minutes, we were doing touch and goes!


Staff member
Man it won't be that bad. The sim is a pretty good instructor. It helps with the basics. It don't get the adrenaline flowing like the real thing though!


New member
Duanehydro said:
loading up the savage.....if I crash the plane, I'll stomp it a few times, monster truck style.

i wouldn't go that far,  you will be suprised,  if ya do crash,  it's be while landing,  and like there will be little damage

just can't keep up with the posts


New member
Patchman said:
Man it won't be that bad. The sim is a pretty good instructor. It helps with the basics. It don't get the adrenaline flowing like the real thing though!



Staff member
That kadet will hang in the air, it should fly nice once trimmed. Plus the model looked like it had some flight time on it. That means it probably was flown a decent amount = fun to fly. think.gif


Staff member
Usually when people don't like their planes, you have what we had at the sand pits! :shocked: His feelings where not hurt that day!


Active member
Yesterday, marty came by the shop while I was flying the 330s, doing 3d.....he claimed the sim couldn't be right-it looked too easy. after letting him and 3 others try the trainer, and they crashed probably 30 planes...
I switched marty over to the 330s, and let him try. THAT was funny....I grabbed the tx from him, took off, and did some really impressive moves for them, and gained respect. Marty flipped out, and he's coming to cheer me on.

Just sayin.


New member
Duanehydro said:
Yesterday, marty came by the shop while I was flying the 330s, doing 3d.....he claimed the sim couldn't be right-it looked too easy. after letting him and 3 others try the trainer, and they crashed probably 30 planes...
I switched marty over to the 330s, and let him try. THAT was funny....I grabbed the tx from him, took off, and did some really impressive moves for them, and gained respect. Marty flipped out, and he's coming to cheer me on.

Just sayin.

i think with the time you have spent on the sim,  ya'll do ok.

my first time i spent no time on the sim.....  after that mishap,  i started using the sim,  and it made a lot of difference,  the guy that help me said " shit you know how to fly" 


Active member
last things loaded: packing tape and ca glue.... :grin:

Headed out shortly...wish me luck!



Well-known member
And beer, don't forget the cold beer. Not that ya would, but just in case. :grin:

Good luck with it dude, I'm sure you'll be fine. :smile16:

In won't be long & you'll be ready to, in Sandy's words, "Go f*ck with dat bird!" lol... :grin: Let us know how it goes. :smile17:


My son ran his new Traxxis stampede into a brick mailbox and broke the front left wheel off. It's hanging on by the tie rod. Man, my kid was crying his eyes out yesterday when he came in and told me. Feel sorry for the boy. We will get it fixed soon.


Active member
Congratulations to all the successful pilots.  (I fell in that category today  :grin:). Duane, I'm impressed!
clap.gif clap.gif clap.gif

It won't be long and, you'll be looking for a sportier plane.  My second plane was a four star forty.  I think it was made by Sig.  A P51 maybe a little much for a 2nd plane but hey, you obviously have some mad skills!  BTW, 4 strokes kick ass!  :grin: 