R/C Madness


Active member
oldbuck40 said:
Just got back from the hobby shop.  OUCH!  :smile13:  New batteries are expensive!
LMAO No kidding! So how much did you drop on batteries?

I just bought brand new tenergy 9.6v 2000mah tx battery-$12.99
new JR rx 700mah battery $17.00



Active member
Duanehydro said:
oldbuck40 said:
Just got back from the hobby shop.  OUCH!  :smile13:  New batteries are expensive!
LMAO No kidding! So how much did you drop on batteries?
I just bought brand new tenergy 9.6v 2000mah tx battery-$12.99
new JR rx 700mah battery $17.00

NiMh or NiCad? 

I got 2000 NiMh tx and 6 v 2000 NiMh rcvr. 


New member
nicad are cheaper and brands play some difference,  but the bigger the capacity the more they cost  :cheesy:


Active member
nimh on the tx, nicad on rx.....I forgot you need all the power for the umteen servos....
I've been wanted to ask about that as well..what's the deal with dual aileron and dual rudder servos....I understand why, but how to you operate twin servos like that? how is the rx setup?

Mine rx is 7 channel, and tx is 4........how do you do that? crazy.gif

I understand you can run 6 servos with a 4 channel tx......but how? come on..... tap, tap, tap.......


Active member
KONA77 said:
Tim, can explain better, but it has to do with mixing....  some radios can mix different functions

A four channel tx will do it with polarity switching y harnesses.  I have a computer controlled 9 channel that utilizes other channel to accomplish the same thing.  But, this tx has several other functions as well.  It can operate v tailed airplanes too.  Later versions can run both planes and helis. 