R/C Madness


New member
yep,  trucks,  buggies, anything that runs off road,  and a few of us also fly,  i have two Losi moster trucks 1/8 scale we really don't race them as much as just get together and bash and have a great time,  i stripped the wheels on one of the trucks and have stripped something in the rear diff on the other truck  :smile17:


Staff member
Shrek said:
They seem to be as good as anything else. I've had 3 of them and no complaints till now. Just not enough juice for this bird.
I stood it on it's tail and had almost no verticle with this plane. It is a big Bipe though.
What would be the equivalent size in a two stroke? .61? think.gif


Staff member
It still isn't fixed? I thought about getting one of those trucks, but not if you can't get good product support. think.gif


New member
Patchman said:
It still isn't fixed? I thought about getting one of those trucks, but not if you can't get good product support. think.gif
Not thier issue.. It is called not having the extra dugh to buy the tranny. I was trying to get one on ebay last week but lost it. I just need una$$ the 50-60 bucks and buy the dang thing and quit messing with it.


Staff member
sturat said:
Patchman said:
It still isn't fixed? I thought about getting one of those trucks, but not if you can't get good product support. think.gif
Not thier issue.. It is called not having the extra dugh to buy the tranny. I was trying to get one on ebay last week but lost it. I just need una$$ the 50-60 bucks and buy the dang thing and quit messing with it.
I know, those chrome gas pedals come first! :smile16:


New member
Mike S said:
So with out reading through this whole thread do yall race trucks to are just planes? I have a old traxxis truck! Might would like to meet up with yall and run, I have tons of money tied up in it but they closed the track down by the house a few years ago and just dont run it much these days!
Cars are for people that cant fly!  :smile16:


Staff member
Gas-Hole said:
Mike S said:
So with out reading through this whole thread do yall race trucks to are just planes? I have a old traxxis truck! Might would like to meet up with yall and run, I have tons of money tied up in it but they closed the track down by the house a few years ago and just dont run it much these days!
Cars are for people that cant fly!  :smile16:
You mite be right! think.gif