san jac


New member
  :smile19: Good Time Today , Hope everyone had a happy fathers day to all you fathers! I had a good one, enjoyed everyones company have a safe week.

77Jet Star

Active member
Dang Brady I looked up and you were gone hope you had a great fathers day by the way nice Baha. I think your friend got a great deal on the Condor.  :smile15:


New member
I went to good times to eat when michelle was driving your boat, when i came back you were gone, but yes it was a good day for all. :smile15:


New member
:smile10: would this boat unload at loves? Just need to know before I purchase it. Thanks! :smile23:


New member
You can get anything off of the trailer at Love's , the question is weather it will go back on the trailer at the end of the day when the water is down . For a rig like that I would put in down river and enjoy the ride up . It would be interesting to see that one coming out of the race hole , maybe you should buy it  :smile15: :smile15:


New member
Great day at the river once again. Sure was nice tohae my own boat again. Happy Father's day to all the fathers.

Nice wellcraft Brady :smile13:

Blender Man

Active member
she better not be a ford girl I do not have any fords.. We got this big block for her boat allready..


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no ford for my boat.. yes john it did get us back and no tow was needed.. but since i was a little girl my dad said no fords.... but your boat does run good....


New member
My Jeep always gets me back too , but that don't mean I want to put a Jeep motor in my boat . Anything can get you somewhere , but not always as fast .  :smile12: :smile12: :smile12:


New member
I feel like a leper  :smile14: :smile21:

Nothing wrong with the Ford if that is what you like . You can still take it to the river and have a good time , that is all that really matters . Besides there are always so many nice people hanging out at the river with Chevys to give you a tow if you need one , so it's all good .


New member
john don't feel like that,  just feel special!  the ford will run while the chevy is being worked on  :smile17: plus i have your back  :smile15:


New member
I would rather have a boat with any motor than have to watch everyone else play while I sat on the beach thats for sure . I'd even cruise me a Yugo powered ride rather than not have a boat .  :smile15: :smile15: