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Hey! Stu! we can put the motor back in and run you again on sun if you would like :smile16: :smile16:
im ready hell yeah lets do itMike said:Hey! Stu! we can put the motor back in and run you again on sun if you would like :smile16: :smile16:
i agree your boat runs good with the "small" motor but come on out and we will line them up.Mike said:No not this weekend I'll leave it alone but if I got pushed I just might. That little Sh*& is fun THat big sh*& ant its work and the boat is plenty fast now I think!
bring it on buddy! :smile23:strchuc said::smile21: YALL MIGHT NEED TO BRING TITLES IF YOU WANT TO SEE A FAST BOAT!!!!!!!!!!! I,M JUST SAYIN
1.........2...........3............. im inCOONASS said:next bash will be in Louisiana :smile23:
sturat said:that would be cool running thru the basin with a bunch of open header jet boats :smile15: lots of trees but we could make it happen... not sure how the local folks would like it but f-em if they can't take a joke
i downCOONASS said:Everyone knows me already :evil: there will be no problems :smile12: not a bad trip for H-town peeps.............maybe 3.5 - 4 hrs :smile20: 8 hrs for meI have land just no water or electric and its only 10 mins to the atchafalaya basin :azn: If all you peeps what that then I could line it up for june of next year :smile15: might even get my uncle's band to play for us ................its always a great party when I go down :wink:
COONASS said:sleek460 said:Cody, are you talking Baton Rouge ?? What exit off I10 ?? I'd better re pack my trailer bearings !!!!!
henderson, La ............right before that big bridge going to baton rouge. you need to pack them anyway lol :smile13: here is a link ..........http://maps.google.com/maps?sourceid=navclient&rlz=1T4ADBF_enUS265US265&q=henderson+la&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hq=&hnear=Henderson,+LA&gl=us&ei=MU_PSuvIJsqg8Aa3tvXyAw&sa=X&oi=geocode_result&ct=title&resnum=1