san jac

77Jet Star

Active member
I'M goona get ya a flea collar.You better take her to dinner tonight and then mabe she'll let ya back in the house.  :smile24:


Candy girl where is the link ?  it's there now : smile19: :smile19: :smile19: :smile19: And yes Coonass was in his boat .Stu the Ford Ran Good thanks what happened to you yesterday?

Cheyenne Kid

New member
Okay I finally figured out how to get the video off my camera and on to youtube.... so here you go! BTW... Sandy your pics are great!  :smile15:

Had a good time yesterday, hope to see you all again soon!

77Jet Star

Active member
Devilman trust me me it was Wild Got my blood up just to watch great run.Got a feelin' it aint over.  :smile22:


New member
Good run but you guys really need to wait for the water to flatten out some.

You guys are going to have to add some foam to your drivers seats after the last one. Both of you sucked it up into places I don't even want to think about

:smile23: :smile23: :smile23: :smile23: :smile23: :smile23: :smile23: