SDBA Race 2011 returns to Waco


New member
Brazos River Rat ( Billy ) said:
That would be fun to do , if I can get the funds to do it . I will try and make a run at the Ft.Worth race or the Waco race .

One race membership is 100.00 plus like 350.00 entry( nor sure on fees )plus extra passes for pit crew and four wheeler and extra vehicle. It is expensive to go play , but I think I would like to try and do one race just to say I did it and see what the old flat bottom will do on the clock ..

EO : This would be fun if all of the locals would show up and run one race ..

I think you looked at the wrong line.. One race membership is $100 but the bracket pre-entry fee is $225, which is still pricey. Then again, they are only showing for Oklahoma at this time. Either way you're probably looking at $500 to get in and run RR bracket.

Hmm, that's a really nice roller cam set up right there..

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
Some of the event they will not let you use an ATV to launch and recover the boat , but can use them to go back and forth to the pits and move the boats around in the pitts . The tow Vehicle must have the class and boat number on the windshield and also a fire ext. in the bed of the truck .

Plus you want to sit in the AC while waiting in line .. It a long wait to the in ramp and also to the out ramp ..

Could not remember what they told me the entry fees was last time I called them , A few of my friend told me that to expect to spend 700-900 a race , They kept very good record of each event on what they spent .. having your own business  helps a lot so you could wrote off the expense of the race for your Business advertisement .. I need a small business so I could do this .. 


Active member
Brazos River Rat ( Billy ) said:
Some of the event they will not let you use an ATV to launch and recover the boat , but can use them to go back and forth to the pits and move the boats around in the pitts . The tow Vehicle must have the class and boat number on the windshield and also a fire ext. in the bed of the truck .

Plus you want to sit in the AC while waiting in line .. It a long wait to the in ramp and also to the out ramp ..

Could not remember what they told me the entry fees was last time I called them , A few of my friend told me that to expect to spend 700-900 a race , They kept very good record of each event on what they spent .. having your own business  helps a lot so you could wrote off the expense of the race for your Business advertisement .. I need a small business so I could do this ..

Wow!! I didn't think it was that high, but hopefully they were including all the expense of getting there and back too. Either way, "you can't take it with you" and this is something I have been wanting to do for a long time so I will find a way to make a few of them. It will definitely be written off as a business expense for me. :grin:

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
That included all expenses to get to the event , motel room , food , fuel and entry fees..
All of that expense I understood could be written off as a business expense for advertisement .


Active member
Brazos River Rat ( Billy ) said:
That included all expenses to get to the event , motel room , food , fuel and entry fees..
All of that expense I understood could be written off as a business expense for advertisement .

I can see it costing that then. It used to cost that much minimum to go to the poker runs I attended. $500.00 to buy a hand, 150-200 gall. premium for the boat, 60-70 gall. for suburban, motels, food, etc. all adds up fast. It was all just a "sacrifice" I "had" to make for the business!!  :grin: At least that was what I told the accountant and my wife!! LOL


Knotty Girl

New member
I ran in the SDBA in the 80's and will never do it again.  If you are not in the Good 'ol boys club you might as well take your money and just throw it in the river.  Much more fun just hanging out and running with your buddies.


New member
Knotty Girl said:
I ran in the SDBA in the 80's and will never do it again.  If you are not in the Good 'ol boys club you might as well take your money and just throw it in the river.  Much more fun just hanging out and running with your buddies.

At $800 or more a race I'm beginning to think hanging out drinking at lake is the way to go. If I want to race I'll get an old Camaro and head to Red Line and do "run what ya brung" brackets for $25 a night.


New member
blazeracer said:
Knotty Girl said:
I ran in the SDBA in the 80's and will never do it again.  If you are not in the Good 'ol boys club you might as well take your money and just throw it in the river.  Much more fun just hanging out and running with your buddies.

At $800 or more a race I'm beginning to think hanging out drinking at lake is the way to go. If I want to race I'll get an old Camaro and head to Red Line and do "run what ya brung" brackets for $25 a night.

hell just take the GM guys money on a gudge race at the lake or river  :smile29:

Gold Member

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blazeracer said:
Brazos River Rat ( Billy ) said:
That would be fun to do , if I can get the funds to do it . I will try and make a run at the Ft.Worth race or the Waco race .

One race membership is 100.00 plus like 350.00 entry( nor sure on fees )plus extra passes for pit crew and four wheeler and extra vehicle. It is expensive to go play , but I think I would like to try and do one race just to say I did it and see what the old flat bottom will do on the clock ..

EO : This would be fun if all of the locals would show up and run one race ..

I think you looked at the wrong line.. One race membership is $100 but the bracket pre-entry fee is $225, which is still pricey. Then again, they are only showing for Oklahoma at this time. Either way you're probably looking at $500 to get in and run RR bracket.

Hmm, that's a really nice roller cam set up right there..
Yeah thats what my cuz paid. that $225 also got 4 or 5 crew members in and pass for tow vehicle.

horsepower junkie

New member
Grudge race, I'll turn my boat around the opposite direction and turn the motor OFF, you go when your ready :evil: name your price Roger  bling.gif


New member
horsepower junkie said:
Grudge race, I'll turn my boat around the opposite direction and turn the motor OFF, you go when your ready :evil: name your price Roger  bling.gif

damn,  HP,    :smile30:


New member
Duanehydro said:
ok, ok, turn it around turn it off, and throw us the lanyard.....then we talk..... :grin: :smile30:

SEE!! them Ford boys do all that talkin but they really know they have know chance in hell!