The jacket doesn't shrink, it probably does feel tighter though.
The reason they feel tighter after several years is the flotation material is enclosed within a plastic bag and the flotation starts to decompose, (may not be the right terminology) causing a gas to be released.
The released gas causes the bag to inflates which causes the jacket to feel tighter.
When the jackets are re-certified, the flotation is replaced and it will feel better.
The cost of re-certification depends on the type of jacket sent in. If it's a chute jacket, it's more than if there is no chute.
I need to get both of mine re-certified also. The last time I had it done, it wasn't cheap, but they do a really good job of cleaning them
and they look nice.
The need for cleaning depends on whether they are being used or not.
The re-certification is an added benefit called safety.
Lifeline won't do one or the other, it comes as a package deal.
Well worth it.