SDBA Schedule for 2014 and more Questions ??

Knotty Girl

New member
I called Randy Ball the other day and he said they are close to having it.  They were trying to nail down a couple of new sights they are trying to add.

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
Thanks Henry.
That is what Rusty told me yesterday also ..  My new Lifeline jacket shrunk in the closet these past 2 years ..  Rusty let me borrow his zipper extension so it will still work . How much is it to get the jacket re certified ? Rusty told me every time he gets his back from doing this , it is juts a little smaller also . Has anyone else experienced this ? 
What is everyone wearing for shoes when they race ?


Active member
hmmm... mysteriously shrinking pfds......heard of it.....hey, they make seat belt extensions, too....


73 Sanger Flat

Active member
Where did you get that picture of me Duane .. Funny .. Dam I hope I don't need a seat belt extension , I'm getting ready to fly this weekend .. LOL

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
  A couple of question . What is everyone wearing for shoes when they go boat racing.  I have a helmet restraint that is for a full face helmet , will it work for an open face helmet and just not use the front strap ? I have to buy I new helmet and was thinking of getting an open face one this time . What do you guys prefer ? Open or Close face helmet ?

Duane told me he uses Nomex driving shoes . anyone else ?


New member
I think for shoes anything with a flat relatively thin sole would be what you're looking for. Simpson, Oakley, and many others make driving shoes but I've seen a lot of vans and shoes of that sort too. My personal opinion would be to go full face on the helmet to try and reduce "bucketing" but I have no first hand knowledge on the "best" choice. Hope I never get to try it either.

Knotty Girl

New member
Billy I just use black tennis shoes.  I also use a fill face helmet, I think they offer more safety ( must be current also). I think it is about $65 on re-cert. on jacket.  I would send it pretty soon they get backed up and it is good for 2 years.

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
I sent an email to Kent at Lifeline this morning checking on prices and turn around and why is shrunk just hanging in the closet..
I was think of going with the full face , but also I thought the open would be a lot cooler ..  Not sure what would be better for the bucketing affect . Hope to never experience it first hand .
I will try and get it in the mail to them right after the New Year


Billy I use the Simpson shoes. Full face helmet. I seen a guy many years ago crash with a open face helmet, it was not good. As far as the Lifeline jacket shrinking, lay off the Twinkies. LOL! I have to send mine in for the recert. I think after Christmas the close for a week or two.

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
I just talked to Kent and  the customer service was great .. They will close this Friday and reopen Jan 6th 2014.. So if anyone plans on sending their jackets in , wait until they open back up in 2014.
He told me that this was normal for them to shrink after 3 years of just hanging in the closet .. LOL ..
I'm picking up a 3" zipper extension just in case I can't shed that 20 lbs since I bought this jacket 3 years ago .. That is the largest extension they make ..
OK - next item will be a helmet and shoes .. Then I need JJ to make me a nice rope deflector and a throttle stop ..


New member
Billy - I also use a full face helmet, Remember if you buy a new one, it must be Snell Certified (Certification Date lasts 10 years).  RR class is the only exception.


Active member

The jacket doesn't shrink, it probably does feel tighter though.
The reason they feel tighter after several years is the flotation material is enclosed within a plastic bag and the flotation starts to decompose, (may not be the right terminology) causing a gas to be released. 
The released gas causes the bag to inflates which causes the jacket to feel tighter.

When the jackets are re-certified, the flotation is replaced and it will feel better.

The cost of re-certification depends on the type of jacket sent in.  If it's a chute jacket, it's more than if there is no chute.
I need to get both of mine re-certified also.  The last time I had it done, it wasn't cheap, but they do a really good job of cleaning them
and they look nice.

The need for cleaning depends on whether they are being used or not.
The re-certification is an added benefit called safety.

Lifeline won't do one or the other, it comes as a package deal.
Well worth it.

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
JimI know the jackets does not shrink . I think it the 20 lbs that I added from when I bought this jacket .. Ken still had my original cut sheet for the jacket and he asked me what I weigh now and he told me that I gain 20 lbs in almost 4 years .. I could not zip it up without the 2" extension ..
It will be going to Lifeline right after the first of the year to get re-certified and getting a 3" extension zipper for it .. He told me that they will replace all of the flotation and put a new tag in it for me .. They are good for 2 years
Current cost I believe is $130-150 to re-certify it .. Zipper extension is $50
Now I just need to find the sponsors to help pay for couple of races ..