73 Sanger Flat

Active member
I am still hoping to make it Saturday . Had a little set back on the engine Saturday .. Should have it back in the boat Wednesday or Thursday and get things hooked back up Friday ..Still need to set my plates . I can do that Saturday morning on the ramp .. Hope to see you guys there with the boat ..

Rocky : are you going to make it with the Eliminator ?? or the V-Drive ??

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
OK the weekend is getting closer , Who is still going to make it this Saturday the 19th .

I am getting closer , got the engine set back in last night and fired it off ,THANKS to E.O. for all the help !!!! so just need to finish hooking everything back up and putting the seats back in , Just a bunch of little crap to finish , but I do not see any reason not to make it .. Need to get fuel before Saturday mornin, run the valve and set the plates and I should be able to hit the water to break the new engine in ..

New engine sure sounded good on the trailer last night ..  :smile16:

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
Let me know if you need to borrow a starter , i think I have a stock high torque chevy starter you could use for the day if that would help you .. .

I am hoping to be there about 10:00-11:00 am to work on my boat

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
Will my list of things to get the boat finished is  getting shorter, I think all I need to do is clean , clean and more clean on the boat . Got 10 gallon of fuel yesterday .There went 80 dollar ..  :smile18:  can't wait to switch to E-85 , be a lot cheaper .. Everything is hooked back up so now just need to pack the normal stuff for the River..

See you guys at the ramp Saturday .. 

Hope for a nice calm day like we had last time out .. It's going to be HOT !!!



New member
Glad to hear you got the motor in and ready. Thanks for the offer on the starter but I think I got it. had to get a autozone one for now but summit is sending me a replacement. Got a couple things to do tonight but should be ready to roll out in the mornin. Yall just meet at the ramp

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
Yes we normally just hang out at the ramp . I will wait for EO to get there for him to help me run the valves on the engine before I can drop it in the water

Erick : do you know where Steel Creek ramp is at ? Once you past the gate to Steel Creek , take the first left to that boat ramp . There is another ramp on the other side , but we never go over there ..

I used to use the auto zone starters , get the lifetime warranty and just tell them it is in a old car , not a boat so they will warranty it ..


New member
Ya I told them it was an 80 chevy 1 ton pickup. I'v bee to steel creek once I will probly be there about 10:00 or 10:30 so I just find yall. Got some nozzle work it do to night so I will be up late on list to do. Wanted to clean it up to but may not get that done. See yall there




73 Sanger Flat

Active member
It sure was a nice day at the river . Not too many showed up but we still had a good time .
My new engine is doing good , just need to add an oil cooler and get it all  hooked up and little more breakin time and it will be time to have fun . Need to change the  gears in the V-Drive also  this week also . New engine has a lot more torque than the old engine .

Thanks EO and Yelvy for the quick fix on the head problem ..

Rick and Jeff , that was one nice looking Blown Jet Hydro you built. Maybe I can post a couple of pics Tuesday if I am not on Jury duty again ..

Remember ,  we will be back after the fouth of July weekend .

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
It was nice meetingg you Erick, Rick and Jeff and Larry ..

I had a nice shot of all of us line up by the bank . Rick's Hydro , Nitro Neil  Flat bottom , Tahiti-Rat jet  , and my flatbottom  and a group shot of all the boats , but they did not turn out good ,

Thanks EO and Yelvy  for helping get my boat back on the water so quick ..It was fun B.S. ing with everyone

I pulled the V-Drive box and changing gears and adding an oil cooler to the engine , plus just got my new E-85 Carb . It looks GOOODDDD !!!! . Hopefully I will be back on the water by the  10th .. I should be ..


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