Steel Creek Sept 21st ???

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
Next time , we will get some one to drag the Pontoon boat down also , so we can have a place for everyone and a place to take pictures off of .. Plus use it to tow people in or out ..

Sounds like we may have 5-6 show up Saturday ..

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
It rained all night in Granbury last night( Thursday )  , I hope it continues , but if it does . I might not be able to get my boat out of the yard .. I don't want to tear my yard up to get to the boat , Will just have to wait and see what happens today and what the forecast is for Saturday .. Still planning on going ..  I wish it would continue to rain all day today ..


Dry Dock

New member
Weather on TV 4 said possible rain thru Sat am.......... and possible flooding south of DFW this eve. ??  Was thinking I would go to S/C tomorrow, but we will see.

4" in Mansfield last night........

not going to complain........... fill up the rivers and lakes!!

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
just got off the phone with Neil , he is planning on going .. I will see if I can get hooked on the boat in the morning and head that way .. Neil is planning to be on the ramp at 9:00 am
This will be a great place saturday for those who are racing at smokin in the cove to do there last minute testing. C mon down.

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
I got you 5 gallons of VP 110 loaded for your use .. It is 107 octane ..
You will need to mix 5.3 gallons of the VP110 to 4.6 gallon of 93 octane to get your 100 octane that you want ..
You can replace it or buy it , whatever you want to do .. Cost is 8.00 a gallon

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
I think Neil is just trying different stuff .. We will see Saturday what it will do .. New batteries in the GPS ..

Stacey-- that would be fun , a circle boat

Sorry Henry .. maybe next time ,

EO- see you in the morning
Duane, I have been tuning and tweeking. The plate setting, springs, prop, and fuel system. Been making progress and waking it up. alot of help on the plate and springs from Stacy (FL350). It is getting new a new plate from Bergeron this winter. I hope. A true flat as a circle boat. That would be interesting.    think.gif




73 Sanger Flat

Active member
I am hooked on and loaded . Waiting on 7:15 to pick my Dad up and we will be heading that way .. Feels good outside .Temp is 60 on the porch .. Engine might like this cooler temps ..

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
FL350 said:
Sangers and Hondos used to do it all the time.

My old 73 Sanger Flat was set up to run circles . That was a fun boat .. But I ran it off the flywheel and not the snout .. It still would turn really good .. Double skags under it ..

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
Sure was a nice day to be at the lake . Wind was blowing to hard at Steel Creek to  play so we went to Plowmans and made a few passes ..

I made 1 pass only , boat ran hard ..