Steel Creek Sept 7th 2013

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
I will as soon as I can .. I got a freaking virus on my home laptop and I can not get rid of the dam thing myself . I got a call into someone to come over to fix it for me .. Then i will open a youtube account and post them .. If not , i will copy to a flash drive and mail to you and you can post them for us .. I got a virus and it will not let me roll the computer back to an earlier date .. Freaking viruses .. First time I gotten one at home ..


New member
Everyone say your prayers at night and maybe we will get Lake Mathis filled back up and can have Jetfest next year.  jump.gif


New member
Brazos River Rat ( Billy ) said:
I will as soon as I can .. I got a freaking virus on my home laptop and I can not get rid of the dam thing myself . I got a call into someone to come over to fix it for me .. Then i will open a youtube account and post them .. If not , i will copy to a flash drive and mail to you and you can post them for us .. I got a virus and it will not let me roll the computer back to an earlier date .. Freaking viruses .. First time I gotten one at home ..
Billy did you get it ironed out if not give me a holler and I can help.

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
Had a lady come over last night to fix it .. She said it was not bad , she was able to locate the problem and fixed it ...Did not cost me too much.  So maybe this weekend I can see if I can play around with the Videos ..
Plus at the same time , had to have a A/C  man come out to help on the A?C unit , burnt the wires off the compressor and had to get a repair kit to fix that .. Maybe it will last a few more years .. May have to get a new unit and switch to that new Freon also .. Oh well . AC and laptop is fixed for a while ..