Steel Creek ( Whitney Lake ) June 1st and 2nd

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
Look like we will be heading down to Steel Creek on the Brazos River ( Whitney Lake ) on June 1st and 2nd . That is the weekend after Memorial Day .. It should be a a lot less boat traffic that weekend so maybe we can play some .. 
I am hoping to do a little testing on my boat on Saturday ..

Hoping we have all of the regulars show up and some new people also .. So if you can make it, we would love to see you there .

If we are not at the ramp , just look to your right and we will be toward the dam about a mile by boat  .. Maybe with this rain the water will stay where it is at or maybe come up a little ..



73 Sanger Flat

Active member
Ok- getting closer to test run # 2.. Just installed the V-Drive back in with different gears . Not sure what gears.. JJ will not tell me until I get  out and run it .. Good thing I decided to change gears , I had a broken Bearing on the top shaft ..Thanks JJ for catching that .. That would have torn some stuff up ..

New Flexplate is on , just need to install seats and add some fuel and I will be ready ..

I am hoping to be there Saturday about 10:00 AM for a test run and hopefully be able to enjoy the rest of the day with everyone ..
Getting ready but I wont be able to get the boat out of the drive way. Street is torn up and they are poring concrete.  :angry:

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
Seats are back in and a make shift fuel pressure gauge mounted on the windshield so I can see it on a hard pass .. Looks like shit , but it will work for one pass .. Then I will take it off ..
Talking about being a redneck , .. Oh well , it just for tuning purposes ..
See you guys there Saturday , not sure if I will make it back on Sunday..

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
I should be there at the ramp about 10:00-10:30 Saturday Morning .. Just need to add some fuel in the boat and I will be ready .. Look like we may have some storms coming in later in the day Saturday .. So I want to get my testing done early ..

Do we know who all is showing up ?


New member
I am planning on heading out there. The weather has me a little skittish, but we'll see. The drive is only a little over 2 it's not too bad.

I've never been to Whitney it'll be fun trying you find you guys. Steel Creek is on the north end of the lake, right?


FormulaZR said:
I am planning on heading out there. The weather has me a little skittish, but we'll see. The drive is only a little over 2 it's not too bad.

I've never been to Whitney it'll be fun trying you find you guys. Steel Creek is on the north end of the lake, right?

It's on the north end of the lake but south of where Plowmans is. I did a google search to Steele creek state park and it came right up.

Dry Dock

New member
Crap got in to late for Joe Pool Friday! I may have to retire again! This work is getting in way of fun.

watch the weather and calling for storms to start around 1:00 tomorrow.  May be a shot day at Steele Creek. Sunday high of 85 and sunny. 

Looks like Sunday may be best day.

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
Unless it is raining in the morning , I will be on the ramp at 10:00 to make a couple of runs .. May leave at noon to get home before the storms hit ..

It won't hurt the boat to get rained on , just makes a mess driving in it ..


New member
Engine is in the boat and all hooked up, only need plugs, and finish hooking up the v drive and I am ready. Have to fix a head for Snow in the AM and then I will be on my way, should be there 10:00 am. j.j.

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
JJ - you sure have been busy today .. Will see you at 10:00 am on the ramp. Hopefully the weather will hold out for 2-3 hours for us ..

Jim emailed me and he is not making it.. so not sure how many will try and make it out because of the incoming storm .. I have to run so I can guess at the gears you put in the boat ..