Directly from the Texas Water Safety Act, the body contains the official boating regulations for the state of Texas..
It is UNLAWFUL for any person to:
1. Operate at a rate of speed greater than is reasonable and prudent or greater than will permit him to bring such boat to a stop within the assured clear distance ahead.
2. Operate so as to cause a hazardous wake or wash.
3. Operate in a circular course around fishermen or swimmers.
4. Moor or attach to any buoy, beacon, light marker, stake, flag or other aid to safe operation, or to move, remove, displace, tamper with, damage or destroy the same.
5. Anchor in the traveled portion of a river or channel so as to prevent, impede, or interfere with safe passage of any other boat through the same area.
6. Operate within an area designated as bathing, fishing, swimming, or otherwise restricted.
7. Operate within a designated "no wake" area except at headway speed without creating a swell or wake.
8. Engage in water skiing, surfboarding or other similar activity between the hours of 1/2 hour after sunset to 1/2 hour before sunrise; provided that this shall not apply to vessels used in recognized water ski tournaments, competitions, exhibitions or trials, provided that the water area is adequately lighted.
9. Operate while intoxicated (loss of mental or physical faculties, or blood alcohol content of .08 or higher). 1st conviction punishable by a fine not to exceed $2,000, confinement in jail not to exceed 180 days or both; 2nd conviction punishable by a fine not to exceed $4,000, confinement not to exceed one year or both; 3rd conviction punishable by a fine not to exceed $10,000, imprisonment for not more than 10 years or less than 2 years.
**Failure to submit a specimen to determine blood alcohol content may result in suspension of your driver’s license.
10. Operate any vessel or manipulate any water skis, aquaplane or similar device, in a willful or wanton disregard of the rights or safety of others and at a speed or in a manner so as to endanger or be likely to endanger any person or property. (Violation of this provision shall be punishable, upon conviction, by a fine of not less than $200 nor more than $2,000 or by confinement in jail not to exceed 180 days or both.)
It's outdated by a year but I'm sure the only changes on the new one have to do with birthdates where applicable.