Waco Drag Boats Races Sept 3rd and 4th ( Labor Day weekend )

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
Look like the Waco Drags Boat races are on for Sept 2nd for Test and Tune and Qualifying Saturday Sept 3rd and the races on Sunday the 4th .

This will be at Cameron Park East ..Hopefully all the construction is finished .

We should be there either Saturday or Sunday , Have not made up our minds what day to go .. Thinking of going Sunday since Monday will be a Holiday ..

Anyone else going to watch or be in the races .. Sure hope the Brazos river has some water in it down there, because Granbury is getting low ..


Active member
I might try and make it up for Sunday. Especially since I missed Marble Falls. Is there any shade or bleachers up there for spectators or do you just stand in the sun and bake like at Marble Falls? Is there a link for information?

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
customtouch said:
I might try and make it up for Sunday. Especially since I missed Marble Falls. Is there any shade or bleachers up there for spectators or do you just stand in the sun and bake like at Marble Falls? Is there a link for information?

There is a lot of shade at the Waco race

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
customtouch said:
So Billy, are you going to run yours or is it ready yet?

Wil not be running it .. Still not ready .. I have a problem , it called not enough money to go racing .. Plus I still do not have it dialed in with this E-85 and then I still need a few items for the boat ... Just need more money and time ..

Hey Randal , Why don"t you go run yours ???

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
One more week and the races will be back in Waco !! jump.gif

We will be there under a shade tree watching on Sunday .. Hope to see a few of you guys there