Welchfest Trip for the North group

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
OK guys let see who all can try and make it to Welchfest to represent the
North THB.


Who else is going to try and make it

Sound like it may just be a day trip for me .. I will convoy down with JJ Saturday morning early and drive back Saturday night , never know , might still camp one night ..

Maybe EO , Jim , Paul , Wayne , Tony and Neil can try and make it .. Post up guys if you can try and make it .


Active member
Billy and the rest of you N.guys that have not been to Somerville you better put your mufflers/baffels  in. Cause not if but when you get stopped you "WILL" get a ticket if they are not in there and yes they are very picky when it comes to checking all items that are required.

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
Thanks Greg
I normally run with my muffles and all the safety stuff anyway , so it will just be normal for me to have them in anyway ..

I will double check before I go to make sure everything is in the boat ..

Thanks again Greg ..


My safety gear is current and in place. The Crusader crew will not have any problems with the law at all.
glad to hear your going to try and make it!

But on the other note. I for one have not ever had any problems with the law and have not had to run my baffles but I do bring them!


Active member
Brazos River Rat ( Billy ) said:
Thanks Greg
I normally run with my muffles and all the safety stuff anyway , so it will just be normal for me to have them in anyway ..

I will double check before I go to make sure everything is in the boat ..

Thanks again Greg ..
No problem Billy i was just puttin an FYI out there. Only reason i knew how they were was Old Greaser gave me the heads up! I dont know for sure if this gal is still there or not but if you see her pull up in the TP&W boat dont give her no crap lol Her name is Rosie.

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
OK , so don't piss off Rosie !!! or she make you have  a bad day .. Hopefully i will not have any issues . i will be for sure having my information from the Park and Wildlife Dept of Code enforcement with me that that ..

They may have city or lake ordinance about the noise and then it is required to have the baffles . I will have them anyway , they look good in the headders while the boat is  sitting on the trailer ..

Greg , are you going to try and make it this year ?


Active member
Brazos River Rat ( Billy ) said:
OK , so don't piss off Rosie !!! or she make you have  a bad day .. Hopefully i will not have any issues . i will be for sure having my information from the Park and Wildlife Dept of Code enforcement with me that that ..

They may have city or lake ordinance about the noise and then it is required to have the baffles . I will have them anyway , they look good in the headders while the boat is  sitting on the trailer ..

Greg , are you going to try and make it this year ?
No im pretty much hanging close to the house right now,,were having some health issues with my dad that are not looking very good so i just put the outings on hold this summer.


New member
Welchfest is a go ... went last year w/ no boat had a blast sure it'll be better this year ... ya'll new guys to the lake .. it's called "Rocky" for a reason ...


New member
dang i better go clean on the boat all there north guys gonna show up with the bling bling, i want to check those underwater leds out.


New member
yeah we did it last year in 2 hr 35 mins .... traffic was good that day .... and wasn't towing a boat so 90 wasn't a problem til we got to Milam County .... Milam has really high fines for speeding ....  :police:


New member
I will be at the Wall-Mart parking lot on I-35 south side of Hillsboro 7:00 AM Sat the 20th August if some one wants to come along. See you there Billy. j.j.
  PS Jim can you get up that early if so come with us. jump.gif


New member
Fellows, I'm on the road alot and the Police are writting tickets like Ive never seen, my wife just got the second ticket in her life.  It was a $280.00. fine,The Cops are really producing revenue.  Just beware. :smile13: