Welchfest Trip for the North group


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DiamondJim said:
Fellows, I'm on the road alot and the Police are writting tickets like Ive never seen, my wife just got the second ticket in her life.  It was a $280.00. fine,The Cops are really producing revenue.  Just beware. :smile13:

End of the month, some of the small town cops have to make quota....

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
beaverfab said:
I will be at the Wall-Mart parking lot on I-35 south side of Hillsboro 7:00 AM Sat the 20th August if some one wants to come along. See you there Billy. j.j.
  PS Jim can you get up that early if so come with us. jump.gif

JJ .I will meet you there or at the cut off to your house off of 171 at that little white building on the side of the road .. You know me . I will be there ready to go ..


Active member
The boat should be ready by then, but my wife's nephew is getting married in California that week-end.  Guess where I am required to be?  The plans were made many moons ago.

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
From the sound of it right now . JJ and I are not going to make it unless you guys get some rain . We do not want to hurt our boats in the low water .. Hell we can do that here at Steel Creek ..

We need rain so we can come down and play !!!


New member
John said:
yeah its still on! we will see you at rocky creek park!

I plan on leaving my house about 8:00 Saturday morning. Should be in the water by noon. Is there a beach there to cook up some brats if I bring my little grill?


New member
So, back on topic. This is a north folks Welchfest thread. Who's going down on Saturday morning? I'm leaving Rowlett between 8 and 8:30 if anyone on the east side of DFW is going.


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Brazos River Rat ( Billy ) said:
We decided not to go .. Hope everyone have fun ..
Be carefull and watch out for the low water ..

I don't know if you've seen the pics, but my boat runs on land also.. LOL

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
I seen that one picture of you beaching it at Lavon.. Not sure you want to do that now with the rebuilt pump ..

Be carefull down there ..


New member
I cut the motor 50 yards out that day. It just stayed on plane and smoothly slid up onto the beach. The grate got plugged with sand so had to dig all that out before I fired it back up.

Too bad you're not going. Hopefully we'll see you at Tawakoni in Oct.


New member
it will be fine at somerville,  the water is deep in front of Rocky Creek,  everyone just needs to stay out of the coves  :smile17: