
New member
Roger let me know if you need me to pack anything down there for you. I dont know which boat i'm taking yet but either way we'll help anyway we can. Might see yall there before then never know.


New member
california said:
Roger let me know if you need me to pack anything down there for you. I dont know which boat i'm taking yet but either way we'll help anyway we can. Might see yall there before then never know.

thanks, Ross, this Rally is starting at the city park,  that is where we are going to meet and eat, and show and shine, then run the river, should be really cool with all the boats running to the sand bar,  see there, and don't be square.


Well-known member
What are you talking about, "update" you ain't changin stuff around are you? This still goin down on Sunday right??


New member
KONA77 said:

this is the official head count for the BAY CITY RALLY 2010,  please no comedy...  we have been buying the fajitas and at this time need to know who is making this gathering,  and with that said, onto the need to know info....

1.  The Colorado river and  Bay City Park " Letulle Park"  is on the west side of Bay City on HWY 35

2. For the people that plan to show on Saturday and are gonna stay at a Hotel there are two on the East side of the River on HWY 35
      A.)  the first is Bay City # 979.245.0985

      B.)  the second is Best Western..... ph # 979.244.5400

3.  For those that are going to stay in an RV.....  it will be Bert's RV,  ph # 979.245.2840,  on the west side of the river about one to two miles on the North side of HWY 35 and in front of the park and Birding Center

NOTE:  YOU WILL TAKE HWY 35 SOUTH TO THE RIVER,  if coming from the Houston Area,  IF coming from Corpis and Victoria Area you will be on HWY 35 north and be carefull not to pass it up

4.  For those that are coming in on Saturday and want to pop a tent or bring out a boat at my place CALL 979.429.6105 or 979.429.6117...  if no answere please leave a message... !

NOTE:  due to the season please make reservations NOW!,  we have more Hotels and will post the numbers so stay tuned

If I have forgot anything I will be Posting more info.  or Post for more info.

LAST BUT NOT LEAST:  the Rally is on Sunday and the MEET AND EAT IS AT LETULLE PARK ON HWY 35 AT 10:00 AM,  we are having Fajitas



Well-known member
Sounds good Roger good info for sure.

For head count, just me & Mrs. Devilman... We will be there Sunday for the day...

Is there anything we need to bring?


New member
Devilman said:
Sounds good Roger good info for sure.

For head count, just me & Mrs. Devilman... We will be there Saturday for the day...

Is there anything we need to bring?

UH?... you mean SUNDAY? and yes bring a boat


Well-known member
KONA77 said:
UH?... you mean SUNDAY? and yes bring a boat

Yeah, thats what I said, lol.. (sorry, I typed Saturday, but meant Sunday, lol) Bet yo ass I'll have my boat... :wink:


New member
Duanehydro said:
Hydrocrew will be there, 10am, do we need to bring rain? :smile16:

can do with out the rain, but the grass is getting a little peekish... but what is a THB event without the rain  :smile21: and i have you down for some B/C Fajitas


New member
mr.magoo said:
how deep is the colorado there roger? i'm guessing ya'll have i/o's that run there right?, looking forward to trying the ron braksma prop i got coming ,supposed to be a surface drive prop,half in and half out of the water :smile16: :smile16:

water depth varies,  but like any river must be aware of the logs lurking under water...  there is no worries up to the horseshoe sand bar.... but after that there are obstacles and yes we have i/o and direct drives running here all the time


New member
Roger, I'll be there......will have boat ...just don't know which one yet. If you need anything let me know...been making several trips to Dependable Machine lately.


New member
wildbunch said:
Roger, I'll be there......will have boat ...just don't know which one yet. If you need anything let me know...been making several trips to Dependable Machine lately.

talked to Shaun on Saturday and he said he had your motor....  didn't know that you had a mishap